Unit 3 timeline project

  • Italy formed a triple alliance

    Italy formed a triple alliance
    When the War began Italy was a partner in the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, but soon decided to remain neutral.
  • The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated after being perceived as a threat to Serbian independence, This sparked off the beggining of WW1
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary viewed Serbia as a threat to the unity of its empire. After the assassination of Archduke Francis, Austria decided to start war with Serbia to demonstrate its strengt and power
  • Period: to

    WW1 Start to finish

    WW1 was the worlds first war, and the worlds most deadly war, it spread and affected worldwide
  • Austria Hungary invades Russia

    Austria Hungary invades Russia
    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand brought up old tensions Austria knew that its conflict with Serbia would involve Russia because Russia was seen as Serbia's protector.
  • Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain.

    Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain.
    Germany started isolating Great Britain by utilizing its naval resources. to break Britain's command of the seas Germany chose to launch its campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917.
  • Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire

    Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire
    the Allied troops landed in ottoman Turkey. The campaign was the land based element of their strategy, which was intended to allow Allied ships to pass through the Dardanelles, to capture Constantinople and ultimately cancel and isolate Ottoman out of the war.
  • Italy declares war with Austria-Hungary.

    Italy declares war with Austria-Hungary.
    Italy removed themselves from the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary and later declared war with Austria-Hungary during the beginning of the war, the Italian army greatly increased in size
  • Germany begins the attack on Verdun.

    Germany begins the attack on Verdun.
    The Battle of Verdun happened to secure victory for Germany on the Western Front. The target was to crush the French army before the Allies grew stronger and more powerful
  • Allied offensive begins the Battle of the Somme.

    Allied offensive begins the Battle of the Somme.
    after a long week of distruction to the German lines. Advancing British troops found that the German defences had not been destroyed as bad as expected
    Somme became an attritional also called a 'wearing-out' battle.
  • Battle of Verdun ends .

    Battle of Verdun ends .
    The Battle of Verdun ends with 550,000 French and 450,000 German casualties, there was a massive loss of life in Verdum during this battle
  • United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.

    United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.
    United states and German relations were terminated during the war, and the US declared war on Germany in april 6th. Relations between the two were reestablished in 1921
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany.

    Russia signs armistice with Germany.
    Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers aka Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria ending its participation in WW1
  • Germany begins its final offensive of the war.

    Germany begins its final offensive of the war.
    The last German offense of the war, was the Marne-Reims Offense and it begins with a attack around Reims. The Allies had been predicting this battle/attack
  • American First Army attacks St. Mihiel salient.

    American First Army attacks St. Mihiel salient.
    Allied victory in World War I. The Allied attack against the Saint-Mihiel most noticably provided the Americans with an opportunity to use their forces on the Western Front
  • Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne, ending World War I.

    Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne, ending World War I.
    Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies, WW1 was known and reffered to as the “war to end all wars” because of the great destruction the war caused worldwide