unit 3 timeline

By elyieva
  • Period: to


  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28th, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Franz Ferdinand was inside a car with his wife Sophie, when the disaster happened.
  • War against Serbia

    War against Serbia
    Ausria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia had gotten involved to defend them.
  • Imperialism

    Increased competition and desire for greater empires led to an increase in a conflict that helped push most of the world into battle.
  • Germany against Russia

    Germany against Russia
    Germany declares war against Russia.
  • Germany against France

    Germany against France
    On August 3rd, Germany declares war on France after declaring war on Russia.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    They used u-boats to try and sink ships.
    Many fought between Russia and Germany. Many of the fronts were moved more and were longer.
  • Ottoman Empire joins WW1

    Ottoman Empire joins WW1
    The Ottoman Empire joins WW1 as an alliance with Germany and the Central Powers.
  • Lusitania Ship Sinks

    Lusitania Ship Sinks
    An American Ship named Lusitania had sunken. Germany was using unrestricted Warfare. 1,200 people died.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was one of the longest battles during WWI. Both sides had fought forever and had never given up. Both sides also lost many soldiers and others. No one really won.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium. The front was used during the Battle of Verdun which was one of the longest Battles.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany sent a coded message to Mexico which they refused and declined. They needed help beating America.
  • America enters the War

    America enters the War
    Russia withdrew from the war in 1917. ( Turning point #1)
    Unlimited Submarine (u-boat) warfare, the sinking of the Lusitania. These events made America enter the War.
  • Russian Revolulation

    Russian Revolulation
    Russia formed an armistice with the Central Powers, which allowed them to move their forces towards Russia's allies on the Western Front. The population grew and were unhappy with the Russia's leaders, so they revolted.
  • Armistice

    The official end to fighting.
    There were millions of casualties, Empire broke up and the boundaries of countries changed. Also added 9 new nations to the map of Europe.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the primary treaty produced by the Paris Peace Conference at the end of WW1