Unit #3 Key Terms

  • Andrew Carnegie

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • Jane Addams

  • Eugene V. Debbs

  • Dawes Act

  • Upton Sinclair

  • Susan B. Anthony

  • Ida B. Wells

  • Clarence Darrow

  • William Jennings Bryan

  • 16th Amendment

  • 17th Amendment

  • Manifest Destiny

  • Immigration and The American Dream

  • Urbanization

  • Civil Service Reform

  • Populism & Progressivism

  • Political Machines

  • Dollar Diplomacy

  • Homestead Act

  • Haymarket Riot

  • Pure Food and Drug Act

  • The Gilded Age

  • Klondike Gold Rush

  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

  • Federal Reserve Act

  • 18th Amendment

  • 19th Amendment

  • Industrialization

  • Nativism

  • Muckraker

  • Suffrage

  • Initiative and Referendum

  • Indian Removal

  • Third Parties Politics