Unit 3 600 to 1450

  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 1450

    Post Classical Era

  • Apr 15, 610

    beginning of Islam

    In Ghana Mohammed was called a Prophet. The muslims defeated ghana and took over it. The spread of the muslim religion began to spread to other countries aswell.
  • Apr 13, 630

    Mohammad returns to mecca

    Mohammad returns after the conflict with the leaders of Mecca who wanted to keep the polytheistic ideals in play where as Mohammad believed in the works of one god Allah. Mohammad was persucted and fled to Medina in 622 c.e in the hijra muslim calender which marked a year.
  • Jan 15, 632

    abu bakr becomes caliph

    Abu Bakr becomes caliph because of the unexpected death of Mohammad with no prominent succesor to follow. The claiphate of Abu Bakr continued on until Ali who was than assassinated, but Hasan traded sides onto the ummayad caliphate.
  • Apr 15, 636

    battle of the river yarmuk

    The Arab army attacks both the Persian and Byzantine Empires. The Byzantiine army was badly manage so they lost the batlle. the battle was fought in Syria.
  • Jan 1, 640

    tang population rises

    Tang's population reaches 2 million, making it the largest city in the world at that time. Increased due to migration,low prices and economic stabilization.
  • Jan 1, 645

    taika reforms

    Prince Shotoku accustumated the bureaucartic and legal reforms which were modeled after the tang Dynasty of China.In Japan they choose to accept these reforms beacuse their main idea was birth not higher education such as confucianism.
  • Jun 6, 651

    quran was established

    The kuran changed womens rights in the Midlle East such womens dowery would have to be given back to her after divorce. Also the Quran imposed the belief in a montheistic religion verses polytheistic, who the followers called upon the one God; allah
  • Apr 13, 661

    ali dies

    His dynasty lated about 5 years. He was a decendent of Muhammad. Because of him the Muslim community split into two sides, Sunni and Shi'a. His death was planned
  • Jan 1, 666

    equal systems in tang empire

    The purpose was to distribute the land equally and avoid the concentration of land in a single person. They didnt want to have the same problems like the Han.
  • Apr 15, 711

    islam conquers spain

    The islams changed the culture of spain. The islams also got the opportunity to spread the muslim religion. There for muslim population will increase
  • Apr 13, 750

    umayyad dynasty come to an end

    The Umayyad's were overthrown by the Abbasid Dynasty. There government system became weak so the Abbasids took this as an advantage.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    New Agriculture Techniques In Tang And Song

    They usedheavy iron plows and would harness oxens. They had large irrigation systems like dams,pumps and canals. They enriched the soil with manure.
  • Apr 15, 1009

    Songhai begins to trade

    Songhai beagn to trade gold, salt, kola nuts, and slaves. They would import textile, horses, and luxury goods. They would use horses and camels to transport the goods.
  • Apr 15, 1028

    Women ruled the Bayzantine empire

    the women ruled the Bayzantine empire alongside thier husbands. the women were all higher class. They were given more privalage then the lower class women.
  • Jan 3, 1054

    Church split

    The Catholic Church takes a turn for the worst it was divided into Orthodox Christianity. The two churches hold various similarities however the pope and emperors or kings were not in favor with the pope there was a form of hatered that radiated off the two sides.
  • Apr 15, 1054

    The Great Schism

    Was created because of a argument between east and and west churches. they were discusing the protocal and the doctrine. The Great Schism fixes the proble.
  • Jan 1, 1211

    War With Mongols

    The beginning of the war between the Mongols and the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty hold Ghengis Kha and his Mongol army at bay for the first two years of the war.
  • Jan 2, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Mgna Carta was a series of laws that were put into place to limit the rights and authority of the king as well as the nobles.this document laid the foundations for the parliment as well as give more equal rights to the lower class.
  • Jan 1, 1221

    City of Balkh Destoyed

    Historian Juvaini came from Balkh which was destroyed by the conquest of the mongols. Juvaini inspired the works of Rashid al Din and was the historian for Genghis Khan.
  • Jan 1, 1227

    Death of Genghis Khan

    Temujin the supreme leader was known for the ideas of how to conquer the land that he has an eye on and the deathbed speach that he gave.After Genghis Khan Died his son took the place of the father becasue he wannted to carry on the legacy of his father and gain collasal form of power.
  • Jan 1, 1234

    mongols in china

    Genghis Khan gains land through the conquor of the vast land of China which he then recieves power.
  • Apr 15, 1453

    Ottoman takes over Constatinople

    Byzantine was a very weak. They were not prepare for a war. They had about 8,000 man and 3,000 foreign man. Ottoman emperor found this to be the perfect time to attack and take over.
  • tang empire founded

    Founded By Li Yuan. He proclaimed himslef as the emperor of the Tang Empire.
  • islam takes control of india

    There was a contriverdy of the Islamic people. In India There was a preference for the Muslims, so people began to convert to muslims. In Africa the Muslims baned Christianity. It was hard to keep a muslims world (gevernment) since everyone was scater all over africa.
  • charlemagne

    Pepin's son Charles was crowened by pope which he then created the Holy Romman Empire.Charlemagne had a stong focus on educationand arts through the bent variation of religion.During his reign the society was based on a more feudalistic means.
  • imam disappears

    Imam was the counter act to the Quran in which people could believe in almost any other God however the Holy book became published and carried out the say of one god Allah.
  • the huang chao rebellion

    This rebellion caused who started to take over the power of the central goverment. The military held took advantage of the taxations and the profits.
  • end of tang empire

    Li Zhu gave up the throne and ended the Tang dynasty. The end of the dynasty was brought because of all the rebellions that it went through and it could not comeback from a revolt making it weak.
  • song empire founded

    Founded by Zhao Kuangyin. The emperor was Sung Taizu. Song reestablished centralized control over China.
  • Basil II begins independent rule as Emperor

    At the age of 18 he became the emperor. When he took position the empire was going through some problems.