Unit 3

  • Invention of the steam engine

    Invention of the steam engine
    The steam was a very important invention from the industrial revolution. The steam engine was a engine that ran on water and steam power. This engine had many problem at the time, often blew up from pressure build up. The steam engine is used for about everything at that time. It was used for the train, boats and even in the factories. (notes)
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    The spinning Jenny completely revolutionized the cotton industry. the were many probelms though becuase it would cause many people to be killed or injured badly. This machine is way faster than the traditional way to spin cotton. It had multiple balls tat spun the cotton. This invention increased cotton production by a large amount. (notes/ Softschool.com)
  • James Watt improves steam engine

    James Watt improves steam engine
    James Watt moved from Great Britain to United States. While moving the British government did not allow their blueprints and inventions to leave the country. If you were caught with them you were given the death penalty. James Watt remebered the steam engine and rebuilt and built it better from memory. (notes) (eyewitness.com)
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Witney put his pattent on the cotton gin invention. He originally created the cotton gin to decrease slavery. Unfourtantley it increased slavery by alot. The cotton gin picked out the seeds from the cotton which increase the amount of seeds and plating that could be done. With more planting and more cotton people needed more slaves. (notes)
  • First cencus was taking

    First cencus was taking
    Cenus is a very important invention to mankind. It is a book of records of a state and countries population. A censu also included the amount of people in and are. It also include the amount of medical cases. Also included the amount of people working in factories. (notes/ softschools.com)
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton
    Robert Fulton put the steam engine on a boat. Before the engines in boats it could only go down stream. Now with the engine they can go up stream. There was still problems because the engine would explode killing the people on the boat
  • First message is sent via telegraph

    First message is sent via telegraph
    The telegraph is a huge step forward to modernization. The telegraph is the first communication the traveled fast and was not face to face. The only other way tho communicate was via letter. The telegraph was messaged by morse code. (softschool.com)