Champlain colonizes Quebec for France
Louis the 8th becomes king of France
First Navigation Laws to control colonial commerce
Period: to
King William's War
Yale College founded
Period: to
Queen Anne's War
French found New Orleans
First edition of Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack
John Edwards begins Great Awakening
Period: to
Zenger free-press trail in New York
George Whitefield spreads Great Awakening
Period: to
King George's War
War of Austrian Succession -
Princeton College Founded
Washington battles French on Frontier
Period: to
Seven Year's War
French and Indian War -
Pitt emerges as leader of British goverment
Peace of Paris
Brown College Founded
Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia
Quartering Act
Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress
Rutgers Founded
Townshend Acts
British troops occupy Boston
Period: to
Regulator protests
Dartmouth College Founded
Boston Massacre
Committees of correspndence
Intolerable Acts
First Continential Congress
Battles of Lexington and Concord