Unit 2 Topics

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    -World wide war between Great Britain and France
    -Washington almost died had four bullet holes
    -By 1760 the British had won and taken canada from the French
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    -ended French and Indian war
    -native americans respond by attacking colonists
    -colonists began to settle in the ohio river valley
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    -British did not allow colonists to settling west of appalachian mountains.
    -sent troops to protect and prevent settlers from crossing the line.
    -British got angry that colonists did not want to pay for protection.
  • Sugar Act

  • Stamp Act

    -Tax on legal documents
    -almost every piece of paper used
    -congress formed a boycott
  • Quartering act

    -colonists were required to provide british soldiers with food, housing etc
    -colonists did not like this
    -later repealed after the bill of rights
  • Writs of Asistance

  • Townshed Acts

    -taxing on household items
    -colonists boycott
    -created by Charles Townshend
  • Boston Massacre

    -5 people were killed
    -british shot the colonists
    -Crispus Atucks was killed, a sailor of american ancestry
  • Tea Act

    -To reduce the massive surplus of tea
    -made tea cheaper for americans
    -Led to the boston tea party
  • Boston Tea Party

    -poored 4-5 tons of tea
    -realy angered the british
    -British then created the Intorable acts
  • Intolerable Acts

    -banded all town hall meetings
    -closed the boston harbor
    -Able to sell tea directly without aditional pay
  • 1st Continental Congress

    -met in philadelphia
    -Ban all trade with british until the acts were repealed
    -each colony began training troops
  • lexington and concord

    -first 2 major battle of the revolutionary war
    -paul revere warned everyone that the "british are coming"
    -new england volunteers were known as minuteme
  • 2nd continental congress

    -met in philadelphia
    -adopted the declaration of independence
    -created olive branch petition
  • battle of bunker hill

    • British marched up Bunker Hill to remove the Continental Army. -americans were low on gun powder -this famous quote was said at the battle, "dont shoot until you see the whites of their eyes".
  • battle of pricenton

    -General George Washington against Major General Lord Cornwallis
    -: 7,000 Americans against 8,000 British and Hessians
    -americans won!
  • Common Sense

    -Wrote by Thomas Paine
    -tried to change public opinion
    -helped pursuade colonists fight for independence
  • battle of new York

    -british wanted to capture New York city
    -Washington avoided capture
    -british watch NYC for the rest of the war
  • declaration of independence

    -it declared our independence
    -wrote by thomas Jefferson
    -Nation's most cherished symbol of liberty
  • battle of trenton

    -General George Washington against Colonel Rahl.
    - Americans against Hessians and British troops.
    -no men were lost for the colonist.
  • battle of saratoga

    -was a turning point for the war
    -with out this victory america could of lost the war
    -Burgoyne surrendered his entire army to the Americans
  • winter at valley forge

    -washington lost a fourth of his men
    -Washington and his men spent the long cold winter of 1777-1778 in Valley Forge Pennsylvania.
    -the men were in desparate need of food and shelter
  • battle of yorktown

    -last major battle of the revolutionary war.
    -Washington would lead a three week attack
    -Cornwallis surrendered on Oct 17, 1781
  • Treaty of paris

    -ended the american revolutionary war
    -United States gained all land east of the Mississippi River

    -U.S. agreed to return all property taken from Loyalist