Unit 2 Timeline - Prisca Donbraye

  • 2000 BCE

    Creation of Mayan Calendar system

    Creation of Mayan Calendar system
    The Mayan calendar system was created around 2000 BCE in the Maya civilization. It is significant because it combined various cycles, including a 260 day ceremonial calendar and a 365 day solar calendar. This allowed the Mayans to track time for agriculture, religious events, and social activities.
  • 2000 BCE

    Establishment of the Mayan Empire

    Establishment of the Mayan Empire
    The Mayan Empire started around 2000 BCE. They were well known for their stars, math, and writing. They built cities in the jungle and influenced many nearby cultures.
  • 750 BCE

    Development of city states in Mayan civilization

    Development of city states in Mayan civilization
    Each of the city-states that the Mayans developed had it's own ruler and government. This was significant because it shaped the region's history by promoting trade and alliances between cities
  • Period: 263 BCE to 144 BCE

    Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars were a bunch of wars between Rome and Carthage. They were significant because they determined control over the Mediterranean region and eventually led to Rome becoming a dominant power
  • 60 BCE

    Creation of First Triumvirate

    Creation of First Triumvirate
    The First Triumvirate was created by Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in Rome. It was significant because it let these men control Roman politics and go past the Senate
  • Period: 49 BCE to 45 BCE

    Civil War between Pompey and Cesar

    The civil war between Pompey and Caesar began when Caesar crossed the Rubicon River into Italy. It started in 49 BCE. This was significant because it ended the Roman Republic and led to Caesar becoming the sole ruler of Rome.
  • 45 BCE

    Creation of Julian Calendar

    Creation of Julian Calendar
    The Julian Calendar was made by Julius Caesar in Rome to reform the old Roman calendar. It was significant because it introduced a more accurate, 365-day a year system. This became the basis for the calendar we continue to use today.
  • 43 BCE

    Creation of Second Triumvirate

    Creation of Second Triumvirate
    The second Triumvirate was made in 43 BCE by Octavian, Mark Anthony, and Lepidus in Rome. It was significant because it gave them power to defeat Caesar's assassin's and control Roman politics. This alliance eventually caused more civil wars, making Octavian the first emperor
  • Period: 42 BCE to 30 BCE

    Civil Wars between the assassins and the Second Triumvirate

    These civil wars begin in 42 BCE after Caesar's murder. The triumvirate wanted revenge against the assassin's, Brutus, and Cassius. This was significant because it secured the triumvirate's power and eventually cause Octavian to become leader of Rome.
  • 27 BCE

    Creation of the Praetorian Gaurd

    Creation of the Praetorian Gaurd
    The Praetorian Guard was created by Augustus Caesar as an elite unit to protect the emperor. It was significant because it provided security for the emperor and played a key role in Roman politics. It sometimes even influenced who became emperor. Over time, the guard became very powerful.
  • 27 BCE

    Collapse of Roman Republic

    Collapse of Roman Republic
    The Collapse of the Roman Republic happened because of political conflict, civil wars, and power struggles among the leaders. This was significant because it marked the end of the republic and the rise of imperial rule which led to the establishment of the Roman empire.
  • 27 BCE

    When Augustus Caesar becomes Emperor

    When Augustus Caesar becomes Emperor
    Augustus Caesar became emperor in 27 BCE after defeating Mark Antony and Cleopatra, causing the end of the Roman Republic. This was significant because it created the Roman Empire and brought a long period of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Creation of Pax Romana

    The Pax Romana began when Augustus Caesar became the first Roman emperor and lasted for about 200 years. This period was significant because it brought peace and stability across the Roman Empire, This allowed for trade and culture to thrive.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus Birth

    Jesus Birth
    Jesus was born around 4 to 6 BCE in Bethlehem which is a town in Judea. His birth is significant because it marks the beginning of Christianity which would grow to become one of the world's major religions. He was born during the Roman Empire.
  • Period: 64 to 313

    Romana persecution of Christians

    The Romans persecution of Christians began under Emperor Nero who blamed Christians for the Great Fire of Rome. These persecutions were significant because it showed tensions between the growing Christian community and the Roman authorities, leading to suffering among Christians. These persecutions were mostly in Rome and then spread to other parts of the empire.
  • 410

    Visigoths attack Rome

    Visigoths attack Rome
    The Visigoths attacked Rome under their king Alaric. This marked the first time in 800 years hat the city was stacked. This event was significant because it symbolized the decline of the Roman Empire and showed that it could no longer defend itself against foreign invasions.
  • 455

    Vandals attack Rome

    Vandals attack Rome
    The Vandals attacked Rome led by their king, Genseric. This was significant because it, again, showed the weakness of the Roman Empire and contributed to it's downfall. The Vandals looted the city for 2 weeks
  • 475

    Rise of Romulus Augustus

    Rise of Romulus Augustus
    Romulus Augustus became emperor of the Western Roman Empire when he was only a teenager, after being placed on the throne by his father. This is significant because he represented the last Roman emperor of the West, and his rule marked the end of Roman imperial authority in the West.
  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Fall of Roman Empire
    The Fall of the Roman Empire happened when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus, was over throne by the Germanic leader, Odoacer. this was significant because it marked the end of ancient Rome's power and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe. This event took place in Raveena, the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 900

    Mayan Empire Collapse

    Mayan Empire Collapse
    The Mayan Empire started to fall with many cities in the south being abandoned. This is significant because it led to the fall of one of the most advanced civilizations in Mesoamerica. It affected trade, culture, and politics.