Unit 2 Timeline: Enlightenment and Revolutions

  • Period: 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The beginning of the Scientific Revolution opened the eyes of the people. This encouraged the people to think for themselves. This led to another age called the Enlightenment. The ideas of the Church were not only questioned, but were tested. The Scientific Revolution led to many discoveries that are important today and many forms of science that still exist in the modern time. This opened up many opportunities for not only the people in France, but for all people.
  • Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory

    Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory
    A scientist named Nicolas Copernicus discovered something called the heliocentric theory, this being that the Earth and other planets in our Solar System revolved around the Sun rather than the Earth being the center of the Universe. Many people were skeptic of it, however when Galileo announced that he supported it, peoples faith in this idea grew and more people believed the truth. This was an astounding discovery as they are realizing they aren't the center of the Universe.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Around 200,000 people died in this war that was fought on England's grounds, hence the name. The infliction of this war was between Charles I and the Parliament over an Irish Insurrection. The English Civil War was fought in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I. War broke out between Parliament's supporters and the king's supporters. Later Charles I was tried and executed in 1649.
  • Hobbes's Leviathan is published

    Hobbes's Leviathan is published
    The main idea that Hobbes tried to convey to his audience is through is promotion of the monarchy. Hobbes believed that the monarchy was the best form of government and that is the only one that can provide peace for the people of the selected government. Hobbes says that there must be some form of supreme power in society, which will allow for a better balanced lifestyle.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    William of Orange ignited the Glorious Revolution when he decided to take the throne from King James II. This broke the permanent realignment of power within the English constitution. This allowed the English government to change from an absolute monarchy and to become a constitutional monarchy. William of Orange ended up becoming the King of England along with his wife Mary who became the Queen of England.
  • Locke's Two Treatises on Government is published

    Locke's Two Treatises on Government is published
    Locke's Two Treatises on Government was published in 1689, this book stated that men have natural rights that no one is able to take away from them. These are rights that you are born with and stay with you all throughout your lives, this did not give people more rights, instead it gave back rights that had been previously taken away from them. Not only did this list their natural rights, it stated that all men should be equal to one another and treated equally.
  • Period: to


    The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement and philosophical movement which dominated the world of ideas. This following the Scientific Revolution carried with it many of their ideas and expanded their understanding of fundamental ideals. The Enlightenment allowed the Scientific Method to be applied to everyday life in order to develop a sense of understanding of what happens in the world.
  • Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia

    Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia
    The Encyclopedia was was such an influential piece of writing during the French Revolution as it had many explanations of the different Enlightenment political theories. This allowed people to have a better understanding of the different theories, and not only did it explain them, it advocated for people to follow these and to question what was told to them and to find out answers for themselves, which made more and more people question the authority of the governmental officials.
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI's reign

    King Louis XVI was the last King of France before the dismissal of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Louis was a young man when he first got married, and was not interested in his civil duties, he loved to eat and spend money which became a huge impact on France’s economy. One of the leading factors of the French Revolution was the immense amount of debt that France had fallen into because of the Royal family’s irresponsible financial decisions.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Battle between Lexington and Concord was the result of the colonists desire to have a self determined. The battles happened in Lexington Massachusetts and Concord Massachusetts hence the name Lexington and Concord. Both sides claim that the others had the first, and fought relentlessly against each other.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was one of the contributing factors and was sort of a template for the people of France. When the third estate was creating a document that stated their rights (DOROMAC) they based their ideas off of what the Americans had written in their declaration which was a result of the American Revolution. The american Revolution was a time in which America broke off from England's stronghold and became their own nation.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a document written by the Continental Congress. This document summarizes the colonists motivations and reasons as to why they seek independence from England. This was one of America's founding documents, meaning that this is one of the documents that gave the people rights after they broke away from England's stronghold.
  • National Assembly is formed in France

    National Assembly is formed in France
    The National Assembly was a group of people that were part of the Third estate that came together to draft a new declaration for the people of the third estate. This contained the representatives from the Third estates that would meet at the Estates General
  • Declaration Of Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaration Of Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration Of Rights of Man and Citizen, also known as DOROMAC was a document that was a based off of the Declaration of Independence, however this was formed by the common people of France, which gave equal rights to all members of the third estate, and took away power from the first two estates, creating a more balanced society for the people of France.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a rough draft of a declaration that was formed by the National Assembly stating that they promise to write a declaration for the people of the third estate that provides them with the rights that they need and that have been taken away from this. This oath was called the Tennis Court Oath, because the third estates representatives had gotten kicked out of the Estates General Meeting so they had to meet in a tennis court to write this.
  • Legislative Assembly is formed in France

    The position of this Legislative Assembly was created under the Constitution of 1791. The legislative assembly was a form of government that limited the powers of the King, but still allowed him to have the majority of say. The people of France tried out this form of government believing that this would create a better life for the people of the third estate, however they soon learned that King Louis XVI still obtained too much power and that they would still not have an equal society.
  • Bill of Rights is signed

    Bill of Rights is signed
    The Bill of Rights listed out the first 10 Amendments of the United States Constitution. This was a truly inspiring moment as it was a sense of clarification, and allowed the people of the United States to see that a new nation was being created without being under the diction of England.
  • Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published

    This was a revolutionary moment, as women were seen as inferior to men and when you heard about equality, this did not include women or people of color, it was mainly faced toward white men. This however gave women many rights that took them one step closer to become equal to men. This allowed opened the eyes of women and allowed the to have much more freedom, despite the certain restriction laid on them.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    The Execution of Louis XVI occured after they (the royal family) unsuccessfully tried to flee France to Austria, where Marie Antoinette is from considering they would still have some sort of significance. When Louis tried to flee this was shown to the people of France as a sign of weakness and betrayal.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Reign of terror was started by the radicals and their plan was to bring violence into france and basically force the government to be on their side. The reign of terror started in france and no one was safe at all if you did not support the radicals you were dead if you were close with the king you were also dead. Queen mariotte antoinette died in this time period and 40,000 were killed 80% of those 40000 were peasants who did not support them or killed in collateral. The king got beheaded
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette was executed months after the execution of her husband King Louis XVI. This was a sign of the ending of the Monarchy over France.
  • Napoleon's coup

    This event is often seen as the end of the French Revolution. THis is when Napoleon overthrows the government and creates a new and supposedly better government for the people of France, this however only works for a short amount of time, as the people of France are still unsure of what they want their government to be like, leaving the people indecisive and vulnerable.