Unit 2 Timeline

  • Benjamin Franklin creates `the "Join, or Die" cartoon

    It encouraged the colonists to join together during the French and Indian War and soon was used again during the Revolutionary War reminding the colonists that they are stronger together.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    It called for colonial representatives to make decisions for the colonies on matters dealing with defense, organizing an army, collecting taxes, and relations with American Indians.
  • The French and Indian War began

    A war between France and Britain
  • Massacre at Fort Loudoun

    Cherokees encircled Fort Loudoun and cut off supplies to the fort. Cherokee Indians killed 20 soldiers and several women when the settlers tried to travel to the South Carolina colony.
  • 1st Treaty of Paris

    This treaty gave all of France's land in North America to Britain. It also gave Spanish Florida to the British.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    It was a part of the Proclamation of 1763 and prohibited the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists were angry about this line.
  • The Stamp Act

    Colonists had to buy a government stamp for almost every paper document, such as newspapers and legal documents.
  • The Quartering Act

    Colonists had to give room and board to British soldiers stationed in the colonies.
  • Sons of Liberty is created

    The Sons of Liberty was a secret patriotic society that organized protests and boycotts
  • The Declaratory Act

    It stated that the colonists were part of the British empire and while not physically represented in Parliament because members of Parliament considered the interests of all subjects when passing laws.
  • The Townsend Acts

    Colonists had to pay taxes on tea, glass, paper, lead, and paint, all of which they had to buy from Britain.
  • The Boston Massacre

    One night soldiers and a group of colonists were arguing with and insulting the soldiers. It is believed one of the soldiers were struck with something and fired into the crowd in fear. This caused other soldiers to fire as well. Three colonists died on the scene and two more died later.
  • Tea Act

    Under this act, the British East India company could sell tea directly to the colonies without going first through colonial merchants. The company paid no taxes either. Colonial merchants could not compete with the East India company.
  • Boston Tea Party

    In response to the Tea Act, colonists dressed as American Indians dumped hundreds of chests of British tea from three ships into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable/Coercive Acts

    These series of laws were punishment for the Boston Tea Party. The laws closed the port of Boston until the colonies paid for the dumped tea. Britain banned town meetings and placed a military governor in control of Massachusetts. Britain created a new Quartering Act, forcing colonists to house British troops in empty buildings.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    The Continental Congress decided that if the British did not remove the Intolerable Acts they would boycott British goods. They agreed to meet again in one year.
  • Lexington and Concord

    This was the first battle in the Revolutionary War. The colonial militia used guerilla warfare to defeat the British.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    They discussed independence from Great Britain, and they decided yes they wanted to break away. They decided Thomas Jefferson would write the document.
  • Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill

    It happened in the early part of the Revolutionary War. The colonists surrounded the city of Boston and the British wanted to take some high ground overlooking the harbor. The British ended up taking the hill but they suffered heavy losses, and the colonists still had them cornered in Boston.
  • Continental Army is formed

    The Continental Congress formed the Continental Army. George Washington was the leader. The army had many problems to overcome.
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    George Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Eve and then defeated the British forces at Trenton and Princeton. This greatly raised the morale of the Continental Army.
  • Thomas Paine writes Common Sense

    In the pamphlet he urges a break from Great Britain and criticized British rule. He wanted to change the government though because he did not want the same government as Great Britain. He called for a democracy. The pamphlet was extremely popular in America and it captured the spirits of many colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence is issued

    It announced to the world that the 13 colonies were united in the fight for independence.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Patriots' victory prompted France to sign a Treaty of Alliance. French support greatly helped the Patriots in future batlles
  • Battle at Kings Mountain

    Patriot riflemen from what is now Tennessee defeated the Loyalists using guerilla warfare. The victory basically ended the British campaign in the South.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Troops from the Continental Army trapped the British on a peninsula at Yorktown and laid siege. French ships blocked the British from getting help by sea. The British surrender effectively ended the American Revolution.
  • British surrender

    The British surrender effectively ended the American Revolution.
  • 2nd Treaty of Paris

    Two years after the surrender at the Battle of Yorktown, the war came to an official end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. British was to return all escaped slaves to Canada. Florida was returned to Spain. American fisherman were allowed to fish in Canadian waters.
  • 6th period social studies

    i accidentally added an extra event and i don't know how to delete it