Oct 12, 1492
Columbus discoverd the New World
Sep 19, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
Sep 19, 1498
Da Gama goes to India
Period: Jan 1, 1509 to Jan 1, 1547
Beginning of the Protestant Reformation
Sep 19, 1513
Juan Ponce de Leon explores Florida
Period: Sep 19, 1519 to Sep 19, 1521
Hernan Cortes conquers Aztec Empire
Aug 13, 1521
Hernan Cortes lays siege on Tenochtitlan
Sep 19, 1521
Juan Ponce explores Florida
Sep 19, 1542
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explores the Californian coast
Sep 19, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
English defeats Spanish Armada
Battle of Acoma
England and Spain sign peace treaty
Jamestown was founded
peak of tobacco culture, by John Rolfe
First Anglo-Powhatan War ends
The first assembly is made, in Virginia
First blacks (indentured servants) brought to Jamestown
Period: to
House of Burgesses reigns as the assembly in Virginia
Maryland colony founded
Second Anglo-Powhatan war
Pope's Rebellion