Period: 1543 to
Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution was when the people started to apply logic and reason to their everyday life. They would conduct experiments and prove their theories through facts. The scientific revolution allowed for the people to rebel from the church and start to question the government. This would lead to the Enlightenment and even the French Revolution. -
Galileo Galilei Supports the Heliocentric Theory
When Galileo supports the heliocentric theory, he is going against everything the church is telling the people. The church held ultimate authority and had previously told the people the earth was geocentric. So when he proves the heliocentric theory using reason, there is a big shift in society and everyday life as he not only goes against the church but applies research. The heliocentric theory is one of the first events that lead to the Scientific Revolution. -
Period: to
English Civil War
The English Civil war was when a new person was invited to take the crown, but then arguments broke out over parliament having the final decision. This war would end the divine right of kings allowing the the UK to establish a new form of government. This reestablishment would inspire many other nations with monarchy to rethink their power over the people. -
Hobbes’s Leviathan is Published
Hobbes was one of the first people to publish a book to lead to the Enlightenment. In his book, he broadly talks about having a system like the social contract for the citizens to follow. After reading this book, interpretations and ideas were passed around and eventually the social contract became an enlightenment ideal. This book is so important because it helped to lead and inspire the Enlightenment which would redefine political identity. -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
During the Revolution, the people overthrew a Catholic King and replace them with his daughter. This movement would also ultimately eliminate monarchy, putting parliament in charge of power. The revolution helped to inspire other places to move from a absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. -
Locke’s Two Treatises of Government is Published
In his book, Locke outlines many of the ideals which led to the Enlightenment. Locke explains the state of nature. But also ultimately talks about how men are all created free and equal and God made them all naturally subject to monarchy. During the Enlightenment, one of the main ideals was equality, which Locke helped to inspire by fighting to get rid of absolute monarchy. Soon the people in France were all fighting for equality in the French Revolution. -
Period: to
The Enlightenment was a time period where Europe was reforming its political identity. The Scientific Revolution allowed for the Enlightenment thinkers to apply reason and logic to the new society. The Enlightenment ideals include equality, social contract, popular sovereignty, self determination, and natural rights. Ultimately, the Enlightenment allowed for more rights to be promised to the citizens with the protection of the government they chose. -
Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia
In this Encyclopedia, it outlined all of the Enlightenment ideals and their purpose for the rest of the nation. The book covered ideas including the people holding all the governments power, and equality between the citizens. This Encyclopedia is one of the many books to help to influence the French Revolution where they fought against absolute monarchy and the class system. -
Period: to
Louis XVI’s Reign
King Louis was the last monarch ruler of France. During his rule, almost all of the people of France grew to resent him. There was a huge economic struggle and loose of bread all over France and Louis did not know how to deal with any of it. He was unfit for King, and his lack of leadership allowed for the people to realize they did not want a king holding absolute power. Both Louis and Marie also wasted Frances money on themselves and living. -
Lexington and Concord
The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first time the military engaged in the American Revolution War. This means it was the first signal that the American Revolution War had started. The British sent troops to both Lexington and Concord and the United States fought back in both places, this would then start a much longer war. -
Period: to
American Revolution
The American Revolution was when the American people fought against the King and ruler of Britain who was controlling their land from overseas and leading to corruption. The people were tired of being taxed on the smallest things so they formed together and fought for better. This Revolution would inspire the French Revolution and others to come. -
Declaration of Independence
This is when the United States/ the 13 colonies declared themselves as free from Britain and all the power they had on the colonies land. They were now challenged with the creation of their own government and nation. When the United States declared themselves as independent from Britain, it allowed for many others to be inspired to fight for a better lifestyle in their own nations, apart of the inspiration for the French Revolution. -
National Assembly is Formed in France
The National Assembly was made up of all of the third estate citizens who were demanding more rights and equality between the estates which formed after being locked out of the Estates-General meeting. There was no real type of government in France after the break out of the revolution so they were then recognized as government. The National Assembly fueled the start of the revolution and helped to abolish absolute monarchy also gibing the common people more/ equal rights. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was when the Third Estate was locked out from the Estates meeting so instead they went to a empty tennis court. Once at the tennis court, the national assembly members all made a vow to keep meeting until there was a new constitution. This meeting was one of the first acts of the French Revolution. It was also where the first draft of the Declaration of Rights and Man and Constitution were made which evolved over the years. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration of Rights of Man was one of the most important documents passed by the National Assembly during the start of the French Revolution. This document would grant the commoners the rights they were previously denied by the French officials. It was the start of the National Assemblies many affairs for bettering the society for the Third Estate or common people. -
Legislative Assembly is Formed in France
The Legislative Assembly was created a little later into the French Revolution, and it did the same job as the National Assembly, they just adopted a new name. The Legislative Assembly was the new government of the French revolution, and had King Louis serve as a Constitutional Monarchy. -
Bill of Rights Signed
The Bill of Rights was the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. When this document was signed, it meant the United States was forming their own new governments, and were able to survive without the need for any help from Britain. The United States declaring their independence and drafting the Bill of Rights inspired many other nations, including France to fight for themselves and more rights. -
Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is Published
This book being published was a very big movement in history. There were new rights being given to the commoner citizens, but the women did not lie under that category. This book outlined all of the rights women should have, and how they should be equal to all men and their rights. This book would lead to more and more women fighting for more rights and equality between the genders. -
Execution of Louis XVI
After he tried to escape with his wife, the people lost all remaining respect for him and he was just representation with no power and put in prison. There were rumors that during the war with Austria he told Austria what the French army was planning which was going against his country, allowing the people to put him on trial. Once King Louis was executed, absolute monarchy and monarchy in general was abolished in France and one of the main goals of the French Revolution was achieved. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror was one of the worst times during the French Revolution. With Robespierre in the front during these troubles times, thousands of the population was killed for even the smallest suspicions. The Reign of Terror allowed for the people to realize how many they were killing and what the government had come to, this is one of the reasons that the French Revolution would come to an end. -
Execution of Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette was killed a little less than a year after her husband, Louis. Along with Louis, once she was executed all forms of monarchy were gone from France and one of the main reasons for the French Revolution was now dead. Marie has brought many financial problems to France, and the people already despised her. -
Napoleon’s Coup
After the French Revolution, the people were a bit confused as to how their society was going to work. They had new rights and laws which would protect them and their natural rights, but as far as control or government they were lost. Napoleon was the first person to in power in France after the French Revolution. In this coup, he overthrew the directory gaining control for himself.