Sep 29, 1000
Corn cultivation reaches Midwest and southeastern Atlantic seaboard.
Sep 29, 1000
Norse voyagers discover and briefly settle in northeastern North America.
Sep 29, 1100
Christian crusades arouse European interest in the East (Ends in 1300).
Sep 29, 1295
Marco Polo returns to Europe.
Sep 29, 1492
Columbus lands in the Bahamas.
Sep 29, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal occurs.
Sep 29, 1498
Da Gama reaches India.
Sep 29, 1498
Cabot explores northeastern coast of North America for England
Sep 29, 1513
Balboa claims all lands touched by the Pacific Ocean for Spain.
Sep 29, 1513
Ponce de León explores Florida.
Sep 29, 1517
Martin Luther begins Protestant Reformation
Sep 29, 1519
Cortés conquers Mexico for Spain.
Sep 29, 1522
Megellan’s vessel completes circumnavigation of the world.
Sep 29, 1524
Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America for France.
Sep 29, 1532
Pizarro crushes Incas.
Sep 29, 1534
Cartier journeys up the St. Lawrence River.
Sep 29, 1536
John Calvin of Geneva publishes “Institutes of the Christian Religion.”
Sep 29, 1539
De Soto explores the Southeast and discovers the Mississippi river.
Sep 29, 1540
Coronado explores present-day Southeast.
Sep 29, 1542
Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain.
Sep 29, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes queen of England.
Sep 29, 1565
Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine.
Sep 29, 1577
Drake circumnavigates the globe.
Raleigh founds “lost colony” at Roanoke.
England defeats Spanish armada.
James I becomes king of England.
Spain and England sign a peace treaty.
Virginia colony founded in Jamestown.
Spanish under Oñate conquers Pueblo peoples of Rio Grande Valley.
Spanish founds New Mexico.
Rolfe perfects tobacco-culture in Virginia
First Anglo-Powhatan War ends.
First Africans arrive in Jamestown.
Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower to Plymouth Bay.
Dutch found New England.
Virginia becomes a "oyal" colony.
Chalres I dismisses Parliament and persecutes Puritans.
Puritans founds Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Maryland colony founded.
Roger William convicted of heresy and founds Rhode Island Colony.
Connecticut and New Haven colonies founded.
Harvard College founded.
Prequot War.
Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts colony.
Conneticutt’s Fundamental Orders drafted.
Large-scale slave labor system established in English West Indies (1640s).
English civil war (ends 1648).
New England confederation formed.
Charles I beheaded; Cromwell rules England.
New Netherland conquers New Sweden.
Charles II restored to English throne.
Barbados slave code adopted.
England seizes New Netherland from Dutch.
East and West Jersey Colonies founded.
Carolina colony established.
Virginia assembly disfranchises landless freeman.
Bacon’s rebellion in Virginia.
France’s expedition down Mississippi River under La Salle (1680s).
Pope’s Rebellion in New Mexico.
William Penn founds Pennsylvania colony.
Royal authority creates Dominion of New England.
Salem Witch hunts in Massachusetts.
College of William and Mary founded.
Royal Company slave-trade monopoly ended.
Tuscarora War in North Carolina (ends 1713).
North Carolina formally separates from South Carolina.
New York City slave revolt.
Georgia colony founded.
South Carolina slave revolt.
Serra founds first California mission at San Diego.