unit 2 time line

  • The french and indian war began

    The French and the British start a war.
  • Join or die

    Cartoon made to convince people to join together.
  • Massucure at fort loudoun

    Fight between Native Americans and British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    States that all land owned by Canada in the colonies is now owned by britan.
  • Proclamation line of 1763

    States that people of the colonies can not settle pat the appaltion mountains
  • Quartering act

    States that colonist must house British troops.
  • stamp act

    States that anything made of paper is now taxed.
  • Declaratory act

    Stats that the colonist are now represented in parliament.
  • Townshend acts

    States that items such as tea are now taxed.
  • sons of liberty are created

    A group of people that protest are created.
  • corrosive acts

    closed the harbor till tea was paid for, banned town meeting, and made a new quartzing acts.
  • Boston massucure

    A group of protester shot by british troops when a rock is thrown at them.
  • tea act

    tea is now taxed
  • Bostn tea party

    Tea was dumped into the harbor to rebel against Brittan.
  • Albany plan of union

    Called for colonies represents to make decisions.
  • First continental congress meets

    Meeting held by leaders of the colonies made decision to not trade with Brittan anymore
  • Lexington and concord

    Battle between minuet men and the British army
  • Battle of breeds hill

    Battle fought by the british and the colonies on breeds hill.
  • Second continental congress meets

    Meeting held by the leaders of the colonies witch decided to break away from Brittan
  • continental army is formed

    The colonies army is formed
  • Tomas pain writes common sense

    Pamphlet wrote by Tomas pain that convinced many people that the colonies needed to split from Britain.
  • Decoration of independence is issued

    This decoration states that the colonies are now separate from Brittan
  • Battle of Saratoga

    A virtory of the partriots witch made France want to sing the treaty of allinice
  • Battle of pirson and trenton

    Battle fought by gorge Washington and the British army in new jersey
  • Battle of kings moutain

    Battle between the overmounting men and the British army.
  • British surrender

    British give up on winning the war.
  • battle of yorktown

    Brittan was pushed into a peninsula by the continental army then defeated.
  • 2nd treaty of paris

    Sated that Brittan would now recognize colonies independence