French and In dian War
~French vs. British (world wide war)
- French won most of the battles the first two years
* British ended uo winning in 1760 and took most of Canada. -
Treatry of Paris
- Ended the French and Indian war.
- British claimed all land easst of the Mississippi river.
- Colonists started to expand.
Proclamation of 1763
- Bristh told the colonists not to go past the Appalachian mountains and settle in the ohio river valley.
- The British sent troops to protect the colonists from the Native Americans.
- Colonists were still determined to to expand their colony
Sugar Act
- British passed this act to help pay off their war debt.
- Tax that was placed on molasses and sugars, but mostly all colonial goods.
Stamp Act
- Placed taxes on all paper goods.
- Newspapers, legal documents and other things made from paper.
Writs of Assistance
- Allowed officials to search any ship at any time without warning.
- Made to keep people from hiding things on their boats.
Townshend Acts
- Taxes placed on oils, paint, glass, lead, and paper
- Purpose was to raise revenue in the colonies
- Named after Charles Townshend
Boston Massacre
- Also know as the incident on king's street.
- British soldiers shot into a crowd of people and killed 5 colonists.
- It was a high tension moment and the soldiers got irritated and opened fire.
Quartering Act
- This act was made in order to help save the british money.
- Soldiers were allowed to expect hospitality from you and you had to support them and your family.
- The soldiers could do anything they want to you and you couldn't do anything about it. they could even discipline your children.
Tea Act
- A tax placed on all tea in the colonies.
- The colonists loved tea and this angered them
- This led to the Boston tea party that the sons of liberty were responsible for planning
Boston Tea Party
- A group of men dressed up like indians and attacked the british ships.
- They dumped 90 gallons of tea into the Boston Harbor
- This time it made this british angry.
Intolerable Acts
- The british were now angry with the colonists.
- They passed this act as a result of the Boston tea party.
- It prevented town hll meeting and blockaded the Boston harbor.
1st Continental Congress
- This was a convention held by delegates from america and they held a meeting in town hall.
- Known as the "shot heard 'round the world".
- The first engagement between the british and the colonists.
- Americans retreated to Concord after Lexington.
- After lexington the british fled to concord.
- When they arrived there were militiamen waiting for them.
- The only choice they had was to flee.
2nd Continental Congress
- Another Convention held by delegates.
- They all met together for this important meeting the summer of 1775
Ft. Ticonderoga
- The british abandoned the fort after the failure at Saratoga being beat by the colonists.
- When the british left the americans occupied the fort for a while
Bunker Hill
- Battle on A hill and americans were at the top, british at the bottom.
- Americans were very low on ammo and supplies and in order to save as much as they could they could the general ordered, " dont shoot till you see the whites of their eyes."
- We ended up having to retreat but we made a dent in the british army.
Common Sense
- Created by Thomas Paine
- Made to get the colonists to realize how important it was to declare independence.
- It was very successful and more people were in favor of independence.
Declaration of Independence
- Written by Thomas jefferson
- It took a few weeks to write but he started right away. The idea of the declaration is based on John Locke's philosophy about government.
- The Declaration was signed by members of the committee in Philedalphia
Battle of New York
- This was a battle fought for the control of New York because it was such a big area that everyone wanted it.
- The british end up taking control and americans forced out.
- The british looses that control later on but not now.
Battle of Trenton
- A sneek attack on the hessians by Washingtons army on Christmas eve.
- The hessians had no warning and were completely off guard.
- We won this battle and marched on to princeton.
Battle of Princeton
- British troops and general Cornwallis were located near Princeton.
- Americans and George Washingtonmstarted firing at them.
- Cornwallis surrendered and Americans won that battle.
Battle of Saratoga
- Saratoga was one of the few battles that were fought hand to hand.
- We won and that win did us a big favor because it got the french and the spanish on our side for the war.
- This battle is known as the turning point in the revolution
Winter at Valley Forge
- After the battle of Trenton Washington and his men sheltered at Valley Forge for the winter.
- This winter was one of the longest and coldest winters lasting about a year.
- Washington lost more than half of his men because of frostbite and starvation.
Battle of Yorktown
- The last major battle between the British and the american colonists.
- The British were trapped on a penninsula and our men fired at them and they were kinda stuck.
- Not only that but the french battleships blocked the ports so the british couldnt leave on baots. Their only choice was to surrender.
Treaty of Paris
- officially ended the revolution between the british and americans.
- It declared the colonists independent and the british should recognize them as free
- The americans had all the land east of the Mississippi river up to Canada and down to Florida.