Unit 2: The League of Nations and International Relations in the 1920s

  • Period: to

    Unit 2 Important Events (1919-1929)

  • The Paris Peace Conference

    This was the First conference that was held after WW1. Many of the nation are angry about all the lives and money that was lost in the war. This Conference sets the tone for all the other nations. So what, Who cares? If this conference did not happen then many of the treaties would not have been signed.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed with Germany

    This was the most important treaty that was discussed in this conference. Germany was blamed for starting one of the greats wars in history, WWI. Germany was forced disarm, relinquish territories, and pay the other nations.
  • Formation of The League of Nation

    The League of Nation was the first every worldwide organization. This one group would have a impact on everything that goes on in the 1920's. In the coming years the League of Nation will stop many wars to be stopped.
  • Washington Naval Conference

    The Conferenced gathered the nations with the biggest naval forces and told them to stop building battleships. In WW1 most of the battles that happened involved navy ships. This conferenced wanted to make sure that no nations navy was to strong. So what, Who cares? U-boat were not mentioned in this conference. So instead of nations making ships they made submarines, which is what WW2 turned out to be focused on.
  • Rapallo Pact between Germany and USSR

    The event was a step to building back Germany. The Pact stated that Germany and the USSR would stop charging and taxing each other and decided that they would try to build each other up. This busted both the economies of the USSR and the badly wounded Germany. So What , Who cares? This was one of the first steps in Germany trying to rebuild its economy because of what the treaty of Versailles did to them.
  • Ruhr Crisis

    Germany began to fall behind in the payments that they owed the other nation. The French became fed up ad took matters into their own hand and invaded on of the little pieces of territory that Germany had left. This would go on for a few years and then be resolved by the Dawes Plan. So what, Who cares? Many of the other nation started to see what the treaty was doing to the German economy and saw that it need to be fixed.
  • Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan was used to help out the German government. The treaty of Versailles was harsh on the German people and there was no way that they would have been able to pay the reparations. So Charles G. Dawes introduced a new plan. So what, who cares? This lowered international tensions. They were able to provide a new reasonable plan that Germany would be able to follow.
  • Germany Joins The League of Nations

    This was a big step in the right defection for international relations. Germany was seen as a villain by most of the nations so when the League of Nations was formed they were not allowed to join. Since they joined this shows that many of the nations are beginning to accept them. So what, Who cares? This provides some of the nations with relief because they are starting to move more into the future.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    The pact was made to out law war. Many nations when they came to a disagreement the first thing that they would do is try to fight it out. This was a way to let the nations know that fighting is now not acceptable and they need to talk their problems out. So what, Who care? This stopped many nations for having unnecessary bloodshed.
  • Young Plan

    Soon the nations realized that the Dawes plan was not enough to help Germany with its reparations. Many other nations seen that there was no way that they could help them so they made a new plan. The Young Plan helped Germany pay. So what, Who cares? This was helped the nations find a way to support international relations.