unit 2 summative

  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    There were massive "sell offs" by investors. Put the stock market into a tail spin. It was world wide.This was significant because it was the worst economic time period in history and it was all over the world. The stock market crashed and millions of people paniced. This began massive unemployment everywhere and trade problems. The negative effects were felt all over the world, including in Canada.
  • Period: to

    Significant events 1929 to 1945

  • Holocaust begins

    Holocaust begins
    Hitler ordered the killing of all Jewish people. This was important for the war as it began the murder of 6 million jews. Also Jewish people were the only ones targeted.
  • WWII Begins

    WWII Begins
    WWII began after Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France then declared war on Hitler's Nazi state. This was signifcant for Canada because it is what brought them into the war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Attack on Pearl Harbour
    This was a surprise attack by the Japanese Navy on the US (a neutral country at the time). It led to the US joining war. It was important as it was so close to Canada. It was also the first attack of such a large scale on this side of the world. This was a big negative event for Canada as they realized that the war could come close to home.
  • Attack on Dieppe

    Attack on Dieppe
    This was an Allied assult on the German-occupied port of Dieppe, France on August 19th, 1942. Canadians made up the majority of attackers in the raid. It was a big battle for Canadians and they proved themselves to be a force. Nearly 5000 troops were Canadians. Many Canadians were killed. This was a negative for Canada as we lost so many lives.
  • D-Day

    Canada was big in this success. It was a large seaborne invasion. They landed on 5 beaches in Normandy France. This was the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the Germans.
  • The Holocaust Ends

    The Holocaust Ends
    6 million Jews were killed. Some Jews still living in camps were liberated. The camps were only closed after the war ended. Many Canadians lost family members in the past. Canadian soliders helped liberate the camps.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    World War 2 ended when the Allies accepted Germany's surrender. It was about one week after Hitler committed suicide. This was significant for Canadians as many Canadian troops were over in the war. This was the most positive event for Canadian troops and everyone in the Allied forces.