1 CE
Egypt enslaves the Israelites
Years passed as the Israelites lived in Egypt as the multiplied and populated. The Pharaoh feared that the Israelites might take over Egypt. So, he enslaved the Israelites to slavery. The Israelites would be in slavery for 40 years. It does not look like God's plan for Abraham would be fulfilled. -
Moses demands Pharaoh release Israel
Moses ran away from Egypt after murdering an Egyptian. However, one day, God appeared to him in a burning bush that doesn't burn up. God told Moses to confront Pharaoh and tell him to release the Israelites so that they could go to the Promised Land. Moses doubted God at first but then eventually obeys Him. This showed that God never forgets about His people. Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. -
God sends 10 Plagues to Egypt
Since Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go, God sent plague after plague to make Pharaoh release the Israelites. God also shows everyone that he is stronger than the gods of Egypt by performing plagues that are stronger than what the "gods" can control. After the plague of death of firstborn, Pharaoh finally released the Israelites because his son also died. -
Israel crosses the Red Sea
The Israelites were led by God to the Promised Land by a pillar of cloud at day and a pillar of fire at night. When the Israelites reached the Red Sea, they noticed the Egyptian army advancing towards them. Pharaoh changed his mind again and wanted the Israelites back! So, God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross and put the sea back together again when all the Israelites have reached the other side of the sea. God showed his supernatural powers when he parted the waters. -
Moses meets God at Mt. Sinai and Israel receives the Laws (10 Commandments)
One of the stopping places the Israelites stopped at on the way to the Promised Land is by Mt. Sinai. Moses went to the summit of Mt. Sinai. God put the 10 Commandments on the stone tablets for Moses to receive and for all Israelites to follow. This shows that God requires direct perfection from his people. -
Aaron makes a golden calf, which Israel worships
The Israelites wanted to worship something they could see. So, they asked Aaron to build a golden calf to worship to. It shows that everybody wants to worship something visible that they could see. God was furious that people were worshiping idols and not Him. He wanted to wipe out all the Israelites except Moses until He remembered His covenant with Abraham. -
Israel builds the Tabernacle and God dwells among them
God wants to dwell among His people. So, He commanded the Israelites to build a Tabernacle to symbolize that God dwells among them. Israelites those days live in tents. The Tabernacle is also a tent to symbolize that God is living with them. -
Spies return from Canaan, 10 say "no" and 2 say "go"
Moses sent 12 spies to the Promised Land to check out the land that they were going to conquer. 10 spies gave a bad report of the Promised Land and claim that they cannot defeat those "giants". Joshua and Caleb were the 2 spies that said that they could conquer it because God is with them. This shows that when we are so stressed in a situation, we forget about God. -
Israel wanders in the wilderness for 40 years
God was angry at the 10 spies' report and made the all Israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The 2 spies that gave good report were allowed to live to enter the promised land 40 years later unlike the other Israelites. This shows that God provides for those who has faith in Him and He also punishes those who has lack of faith in Him. -
Moses dies before entering the Promised Land
Finally, when the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness is over, the Israelites were finally going to enter the Promised Land. Moses was not allowed to enter it. So, Joshua was appointed as the leader as a replacement of Moses. Moses warned that if they obey God's commands, God will bless them. If they don't obey God's commands, God will curse them. Moses predicted that the people would eventually break God's rule and go to exile.