French and Indian War
The french and the british were fighting over land west of the appalations. George Wahsington played a big part in the war as he was the one to start it, but by 1760 the birith had take over Canada taking it from the french -
Treaty Of Paris
This officially ended the French and Indain war. Britian claimed all land east of the appalatian mountains. -
Procalamation Of 1763
A law created after the french and indian war that prevented the colonist from moving west of the appalacian mountains in hope to prevent conflict with the nstive americans. -
Sugar Act
The first britsh tax placed on colonial goods after the french and indian war to help pay off britsh war debt. -
Stamp Act
This passee a tax on all official papers suchh as legal documents, wills, deeds, newspapers, etc. -
Quatering acts
This was established to save the britis government money by allowing soldiers the right to expect room and board from colonists. -
Quatering Act
The colonist were expected to supply the troops with food and some where to sleep. -
Townshend Acts
This was a tax on essential goods and household items. The result was that the colonists went on boycotts. -
Writs of assistance
A british policy that allowed customs officers the right to search any ship without probable cause. -
Boston Massacre
British and Colonist trrops met and the british killed 5 colonists at the Boston Customs House. -
Tea Act
The british passed this law so the colonist could only but british tea. This took lots of buisness away from the colonial merchants. The tea was shipped directly from the company in India. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Sons of Liberty dumped 90,000 pounds of tea in to the Boston Harbor -
Intolerable Acts
This law stopped all town hall meeting and shut down the Boston Harbor. This angered the colinist very much and was a part in the Olive Branch Petition. -
Continental Congress
Delegates met in philidelphia to discuss how to react to the Intolerable Acts. They decided to ban all trade with Britain untill the acts were repealed. They also ordered colonieas to start training troops. -
Recognnized as the beginning of the revolution. 700 british troops met 70 militiamen. -
This is also recognized as the beginning of the revolution. This battle was immediatly after the battle at lexington. -
2nd Continental Congress
The delegates gather in Philedelphia to discuss their next moves in the revolution. -
Ft. Ticonderoga
The continental army captured fort ticongeroga while the few britsh troops that were there, were sleeping. The continental army won this battle without a single shot fired. -
Bunker Hill
"Don't shoot till you see the white of their eyes" -Prescott. This british won this battle. Dispite the name the location of this battle was on top of Breed's Hill. -
Common Sense
This book was written by Thomas Paine. This book became very popular and was written to persuade the colonists why we should delcare war and fight for our independence. -
Declaration Of Independence
The declaration containes 5 parts. Part 1-Preamble: An opening statement. Part 2-Explains the god given right that the colonists deserve, but arent getting. Part 3-Lists of complaints. Part 4-States thhat they had tried for peace(olive Brach petition) Part 5- Breaking away from all connections with Britain. -
Battle Of New York
The british wanted to capture New York City, so they Washingtons Army. Washington avoided capture and the British occupied New York for the rest of the war. -
Battle Of Trenton
Washing and 2,500 army menn cross the Delaware River in a snow storm and attacked the british troops while they were sleeping once again. Not a single American troop was killed. -
Battle Of Princeton
After the battle of Trenton, which was a huge confidence booster for the Continental Army, they headed to Princeton where they once again defeted the British troops. -
Battle Of Saratoga.
This battle is the turning point of the revolutionary war. After this victory for the colonists, Benajamin Franklin convinced France and Spain to become allies with us. These aliies helped us greatly with winning the rest of the revolution. -
Winter At Valley Forge
Washington and his men spent a long winter. They were in desperate need of food and warm clothing. Many men died. -
Battle of Yorktown
British general Cornwallis moved his troops to Virginia, and it was time for washington to set his trap. James Armistead was a double- spy, and gave washington all the information. Washington lead a 3 week attack, making Cornwallis surrender on Oct 17. The Americans had won their independence. -
Treaty of Pairs 1783
Great Britain recognized the U.S. as an independent nation. The U.S. gained all land east of the Mississippi River, and returned all property taken from loyalists. This officially ended the war.