culminating unit 2

  • Canada Joining the War

    Canada Joining the War
    In 1914, Canada is a small country, out of the country only 600,000 served in the war – 3,000 women as nurses and ambulance drivers and 425 000 soldiers overseas. This part of the Canada joining the war would be a decline because many people will lose their lives. Another reason this scale would be decline is because Canada is a small country and it is not ready for world conflict.
  • World War I Recruitment Posters +1

    World War I Recruitment Posters +1
    I would rate this on a scale as a +1. They were use to make you to feel bad to enlist and what ever you can to help the soldiers and ration the food. But also as a means of procuring men, money and resources to sustain the military campaign in overseas.
  • Economy and the Home Front +2

     Economy and the Home Front +2
    This time of the World War 1 they are asking people to but war a bonds and introduced to the people of Canada of wartime income war tax to support the war effort.
  • Canadian soldier training for war 0

    Canadian soldier training for war 0
    if i could rate this i would rate this 0. Canadian soldier would train miserable soggy winter. When the first Canadian division reached the front in February 1915, they were introduced trench warfare. it turns out it only get worse. Even though it with only get worse they were training in miserable winter and they have experience on miserable weather. Therefore i would rate this in a scale of 0.
  • Jeremiah Jones and other Black Canadian Soldiers

    Jeremiah Jones and other Black Canadian Soldiers
    If i would rate this in a scale i would say +2. Because this is the first time Canada becoming the diverse. Jeremiah Jones enlisted in the 106th overseas battalion, commanded by LT Col W.H. Allan. At Vimy Ridge, he was among the 16 black soldiers assigned to the Royal Canadian Regiment. And rescued his own unit from an enemy unit from a machine gun nest and what was to become a battle that is now known as Canada's greatest success and source of great national pride. Therefore i rate this +2.
  • Billy Bishop and the War in the Air

    Billy Bishop and the War in the Air
    This person i would rate this in the scale in +2. Billy Bishop helped advanced of Canada reputation as a reputable air forced. Because of that the British gave the jobs to the Canadian soldier, by the end of the war almost quarter of the of all British flyers are Canadians. And this is why i would rate this +2 in the scale.
  • Women on the home front +2

    Women on the home front +2
    If i could put this in the scale i would put this +2. Because i think the first time women are working and do not need men to support them they replace them Huge numbers of women began taking on roles that were traditionally considered men's work.
  • War artist +2

    World War 1 gave opportunities to or Canadian photographers and painters to hone their skills and get their names recognized. They were the first to use multiple media to tell the story about what happening in the war, combining movies, war, first person accounts and official reports for Canadians back home.
  • Consequences for workers after the war -2

    if world rate this in the scale i would rate this -2. Many workers wages did not kept up with the increased cost of living. More soldiers and many people are unemployed. Tension over lower wages and poor working condition boiled over Winnipeg. Labour leader the one big union.
  • The 1920s or the Roaring 20s +1

    The 1920s or the Roaring 20s +1
    1920s is that it is the great depression because after the war many people did not have jobs. But after researching and finding about the 1920 it is said that it is the roaring 1920s because many people have Shorter working hours, laborsaving appliances along with higher incomes gave more time to spend there money. And one game that it became popular in the 1920s is hockey. If i was going to rank this on a scale i would rate this +1 rating.