Passing of the War Measures Act
This act showed a large amount of racism against Germans and Austrian-Hungarians. Sure, there was a war going on however, it seemed a bit harsh to put them in camps where they work for a very small amount of money. This completely opposes my criteria for progress as there is racism which is, in my opinion, decline. -
Canada Called into WWI
Canada being called into WWI introduced a new world of possibilities, as we could progress significantly, or decline tremendously. In my opinion, Canada did progress during WWI, as even though Canada may have lost a lot of soldiers and declined economically, WWI was a massive stepping stone leading to Canada's complete independence, as Canada proved itself on the battlefield. Also, due to soldiers being parts of minority groups, racism started to fade because of their heroic actions. -
End of the Second Battle of Ypres
During this war, the Germans introduced gas warfare, which completely demolished the allies, with over 6,500 Canadians wounded, killed, or captured. This is what inspired the poem "In Flanders Fields" This poem is still a well-known poem to this day as it is shown on assemblies during Remembrance Day, and sometimes even recited by all. This shows decline because of the amount of military might that we lost during this battle, as 6,500 soldiers is a large number for Canada. -
Battle of the Somme Ends
The Battle of the Somme did end up as a victory for the allies, which indicates progress, however Canada lost 24,000 men in this battle which is an extremely heavy loss. Therefore, I would not call this decline, but I would not call this progress either. -
End of Battle of Vimy Ridge
Canada progressed during this battle as they won against the Germans securing the French high ground. This showed Canada's military might to the world. Canada may have lost 3,598 soldiers during this battle, however Germany lost around 20,000 soldiers which helped the Allies win the war. -
Introduction of Personal Income Tax
The introduction of this tax was extremely helpful and needed for the government to pay off its debt. This debt was acquired due to the necessary spending on the military. This did create some unrest, however Canada later benefited as the debt was lessened. -
The Battle of Passchendaele Ends
During this battle, Canada lost 4,000 soldiers while Germany lost 220,000 soldiers. This is a win so I consider it progress, however losing 4,000 soldiers is not a small matter. You could say that Germany lost 220,000 soldiers, so this indicates progress, however Germany has a much larger military than Canada's, making 220,000 soldiers seem little. -
An Act to Confer the Electoral Franchise Upon Women
The allowance of some women to vote shows the shifting of people's bias of the female gender. This indicates progress, however not a lot as these women have to be British subjects. This shows that even though there is a shift in bias against women, racism still exists and is a factor in political decisions. -
Canada Signs the Treaty of Versailles
Not only did Canada signing this treaty end the war and violence, but it also showed Canada's individuality,. This is shown by the fact that Canada signed the treaty, and not Britain which showed Canada's independence from Britain. -
Chinese Exclusion Act was Put Into Effect
Canada putting this law into effect showed the racism against the Chinese people, and also shows some decline as Canada having negative bias towards a nationality could affect Canada negatively, as with more immigrants there are more workers therefore a better economy.