Conflicts in the civil war

  • President Lincoln's Election

    President Lincoln's Election
    The American election of 1860 was on November 6th. Abraham Lincoln ran for the Republican side of the election, and he ran against southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge. The American people elected Lincoln as the 16th president of the United States. This was a huge step for America because Lincoln represented a party that was against slavery.
  • Period: to

    Conflicts of the civil war

  • Attack on Fort Sumter, Civil war begins

    Attack on Fort Sumter, Civil war begins
    Charleston took a huge step towards the path of secession to preserve slavery, the construction of Fort Sumter began and proceeded and the Confederacy fired on the U.S garrison of Fort Sumter on April 12 1861 and the civil war had formally begun.
  • Battle Of Balls Bluff, Edward D. Baker death

    Battle Of Balls Bluff, Edward D. Baker death
    The battle of Balls Bluff in Virginia was led by Colonel Edward D. Baker, the senator of Oregon and a friend of Abraham Lincoln. He led troops across the Potomac River only to be forced back to the river's edge, where he was sadly killed. This ensued the Union Withdrawal, which turned into many American soldiers drowning in the icy waters of the Potomac River.
  • Surrender of Fort Donelson, Tennessee.

    Surrender of Fort Donelson, Tennessee.
    Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant became very famous after the battle of Fort Donelson on February 16th, 1862. The Union victory at Fort Donelson, Elated the North and stunned the South. Within days, the surrender of Nashville and Clarksville would be in the Union's hands.
  • Jefferson Davis is President of the Confederate states of America

    Jefferson Davis is President of the Confederate states of America
    On November 6th of 1862 Jefferson Davis was elected as president of the Confederate States of America without any opposition. When the southern states started seceding after the Election of Lincoln, Davis had suspected that he might be the 'best' choice for the southern president.
  • The battle of Shiloh

    The battle of Shiloh
    The battle of Shiloh was on the Pittsburg landing in April 6th 1862, This was the first major battle in Tennessee. Confederate General Albert sidney Johnson A veteran of the Texas War and a very important general of the Confederates, had died in this battle and the union later wins this important battle.
  • The Emancipation proclamation

    The Emancipation proclamation
    The emancipation Proclamation was made by president Abraham Lincoln on January 1st 1863, as the nation approached its third year of the violent war The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves' within the rebellious states are henceforth shall be free". this was a huge step in the right direction for America and a huge part of the war.
  • Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    The battle of Gettysburg was a three day long battle in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on July 1st through July 3rd This battle was know as the most violent battle in American history and was known as the big 'turning" point of the was,r forcing Lee and his army to retreat from the north.
  • Vicksburg Mississippi

    Vicksburg Mississippi
    Vicksburg Mississippi was a very important chunk of land for the southerners to Confederate President Jefferson Davis vicksburg was the ' Nailhead that holds the south two halves together President Lincoln had remarked Vicksburg as the key to winning the war and soon later the union came up on top.
  • Capture of Fort Pillow

    Capture of Fort Pillow
    The capture of Fort Pillow was a big win for the Confederate nation, taking Fort Pillow would give them a chance to take back Tennessee from the Union soldiers. on the morning of April 12th 1864 the Confederate soldiers surrounded Fort Pillow and sniped the Fort Commander by then William Bradford had taken the fort by 3:30 in the after noon soon taking the huge win for the confederate soldiers.
  • Attack on Fort Stedman, Pettysburg

    Attack on Fort Stedman, Pettysburg
    The battle of Fort Stedman was fought on March 25th 1865 during the few final weeks of the Civil War. This battle was important because it was the last final serious attempt by the Confederate soldiers to break through the fortification of Petersburg, this was important because this was the unions chance to put down the Confederates.
  • President Lincoln's assassination

    President Lincoln's assassination
    On April 14th, 1865 at approximately 10:20 pm, John Wilkes Booth, a very popular actor, snuck up behind President Abraham Lincoln as he watched the play at Fords Theatre he Shot him in the back of the head, point blank range when he eventually died the next morning. This was a very important part of the war because a prior Southerner was now the president of the United States this stired up chaos for the Northern states which was good for the Confederates.
  • The End of The Civil War

    The End of The Civil War
    The civil war was a long and brutal battle, it was the most violent in American history, with about 620,000
    American deaths. After all the sequences and tragic battles, The union had finally pushed to Richmond on April 2nd 1865 this would soon be the end of the violent war The Confederate Goverment and President Jefferson Davis fled away from the Northerns and soon later Robert E. Lee Surrendered to the Union and the Civil war had finally Ended.