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Unit 1Task 3- History of Tourism Timeline

  • 1970 - Pan Am Introduced Their First Boeing 747

    1970 - Pan Am Introduced Their First Boeing 747
    In 1970, Pan Am Airways first introduced their service of the Boeing 747 as of January 22nd. Among all of the aerospace engineering projects that have taken place, it is no doubt that the most challenging of them all was undertaking the 747 in this time. This making the headlines cause thousands of passengers to become excited for their turn on a potential flight.
  • 1971 - The UK Adopted Decimal Currency

    1971 - The UK Adopted Decimal Currency
    On Monday 15th February 1971, The United Kingdom implemented Decimal Day, or also referred to as "D Day". On this date, decimal money substituted the previous money policy of Pounds, Shillings and Pence.
  • 1976 - Concorde First Scheduled Supersonic Flight

    1976 - Concorde First Scheduled Supersonic Flight
    The Concorde aircraft's first commercial flight was completed on January 21st, 1976. British Airways launched services from London to Paris, France on an equal basis for the two supersonic airline providers.
  • 1980- World Travel Market Opening

    1980- World Travel Market Opening
    When World Travel Market opened for business in 1980, The World Travel Market Officially began. The opening ceremony was held in Olympia, London and the Duke of Kent and Miss World - Kimberly Santos- of that year opened the market. Around 7,753 trade visitors and 350 exhibitiors attended this event which obviously brought in a lot of revenue.
  • 1986- All-Weather Leisure Facilities Grew Britains Image

    1986- All-Weather Leisure Facilities Grew Britains Image
    The Establishment of all-weather leisure facility centres like Centre Parcs helped to boost Britain's reputation as an all-year 'staycation' attraction.
  • 1987- Deregulation of EU Air Travel

    1987- Deregulation of EU Air Travel
    The long awaited airline deregulation package was passed by the European Community's transport ministers today, and according to community officials, it would cut ticket prices by increasing competition on flights throughout the continent. The package would also give tiny, low-cost, independent airlines better access to major big-space airports.
  • 1993 - BTA Supports 'Keep London Buses Red'

    1993 - BTA Supports 'Keep London Buses Red'
    After Proposals to make the LDN buses private were announced, BTA supported the campaign to maintain the red colour of the iconic London buses.
  • 1994- Channel Tunnel Opened

    1994- Channel Tunnel Opened
    The Queen and President of France, Francois Mitterand Officially opened the Channel Tunnel on May 6th 1994, during two spectacular ceremonies held in both France and Britain. Since its the longest under-sea tunnel in history, it took over 5 years to construct as this was one of the biggest engineering challenges in the world. It has been dubbed 'one of the seven wonders of the world today'. It is used to connect Folkstone, England and a small are near Calais, France.
  • 1998 - 25.7 Million People Came to Britain

    1998 - 25.7 Million People Came to Britain
    Overseas visitors to Britain totalled around 25.7 million, this caused a spending of £12 billion +. This increased the overall UK tourist growth and revenue.
  • 2001- 9/11

    2001- 9/11
    The horrific events of September 11th, 2001. New York City had terrible lasting impacts upon the city's popular tourism sector. The incidents led to a decline in air transport as a whole and there was a change in peoples mindsets of specific locations- New York being most effected. This had caused the change of security world wide and ensured that higher procedures were taken with the way body scanners and bag check worked.
  • Period: to

    2001 - 2008

  • 2005- Hurricane Katrina Hits New Orleans

    2005- Hurricane Katrina Hits New Orleans
    The deadly- Category 5 Hurricane Katrina was an Atlantic hurricane that struck New Orleans in late August 2005. It left 1,800 dead and $125 Billion worth of damage.
  • 2008 - Mamma Mia

    2008 - Mamma Mia
    The award winning film Mamma Mia was filmed on the Greek Island of Skopelos. As a result of this, Greek tourism had experienced a huge growth. This film brought a huge amount of tourists while also helping to grow the countries economy during their financial crisis.
  • 2011- Visit Britain's First TV Ad in 10 Years

    2011- Visit Britain's First TV Ad in 10 Years
    Dame Judi Dench, Dev Patel, Jamie Oliver and Rupert Everett all appeared in Visit Britain's first international Television Advertisement in ten whole years. This was an 'invitation from celebrities' which extends a kind and personal invitation to hopefully bring tourists forward.
  • 2012- The London Summer Olympics

    2012- The London Summer Olympics
    One of the biggest Multi-sport competitions known as the 2012 Summer Olympics took place in London, England. from July 27th - August 12th 2012. In the months of July, August and September, around 470,000 abroad visitors came to the UK to either watch, work, or participate in the games
  • 2020- COVID-19 Outbreak

    2020- COVID-19 Outbreak
    In March of 2020 the UK and the rest of the world went into a wild frenzy with people having caught Corona Virus, panic buying and country boarders being closed off to prevent new traces. This effected tourism in the UK greatly as the countries boarders and all basic regulations were changed and/or closed off.