Wright Brothers fligh first airplane
CND established
Council of national defense -
Germany resumes unrestricted submarine welfare , Zimmermann note
*The US enters WW1
* The Espionage Acte of 1917 -
Wilson's Fourteen points, sedition Act of 1918,
- Second battle of Marne
Armistice ends WW1
Paris Peace conference and Treaty of Versailles
- 18th amendment - prohinition of alchohol
Volstead Act,Seattle general strike
American Legion Founded , Chicago Riot
19th amendment( woman suffrage) passed,
- Harding defeats Cox for presidency
" red scare"
Merchany Marine Act
- Esch-Cummins Transportation Act
Sacco-Vanzetti trial, Emergency Quota Act of 1921,Bureau of Budget created
Veterans Bureau created,Capper-Volstead Act
Five-power Naval Treaty,Four-Power and Nine-Power Treaties on the East
ERA proposed
- Equal rights Amendment
Coolidge assumes precidency
Immigration ACt of 1924
Compensation Act for Verterans, US troops leave Dominican Republic
- Coolidge wins 3 way presidential election
Scopes trial , Florida real estate boom
US troops occupy Nicaragua
First talking motion pics, Sacco and Vanzetti excecuted
Kellogg-Briand Pact , Hoover defeats Smith for presidencyu and takes tour of Latin America
Agricultural MArketing Act sets up Federal Farm Board, Stock market crash
Hawley Smoot Tarrif
RFC established ,
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
*Norris -La guardia Anti- Induction Act
"Bonus army "dispersed from Washington D.C.