Unit 12

  • Gerald Ford

    38th President of the United States.
  • Sam Walton

    American businessman, who founded walmart and Sam's club
  • Billy Graham

    Is an American christian evangelist.
  • Jimmy Carter

    39th President of the United States
  • Sandra Day O'Conner

    Retired United States supreme court justice.
  • Jerry Falwell

    American pastor/politian.
  • Impact of the Cold War

    America stock pilled lots of ammo and materials, They spent a lot of money on education, They spent a lot of money on space and weaon technology.
  • Bill Gates

    Made Microsoft. He's an inventer, invester, etc
  • AIDS

    Disease of the human Immune system
  • American movies and cultural influnce

    Spread American culture all over the world.
  • Nixon and China

    Nixon ended many years of fighting by visting China's leader.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Break in of a government building in Washington, which Nixon covered up.
  • Endangered Species Act

    Act to protect endangered animals and there land.
  • The moral majority

    Was a prominent American political organization
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis and president Carter's response

    Carter sent in a undercover team to extract the hostages from the country.
  • Lionel Sosa

    Independent marketing consultant
  • Conservatism in the 1980's

    Many American citizens didn't trust the government because of the watergate scandal
  • Four pillars of reaganomics

    Economic polics promoted by Reagan during his presidency.
  • US Isreal relations

    Israel is a big factor in the politics in the Middle East. United States supplies Israel with food, water, guns, etc.
  • Just say no

    Campaign to prevent the war on drugs
  • 5th amendment

    Protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure.
  • Community Investmest System

    Web based data collition