Unit 1 Timeline Project

  • Jamestown Settlers reach Chesapeake Bay

    The Virginia Company raised stocks to pay for the establishment of the colony.
  • Period: to

    The Starving Time

    This time was for a whole year, caused by the Indians locking them in their fort with nothing to live off of
  • Slave Trade begins in North America- first slaves arrive on mainland of North America

    The slaves were brought over to work on Plantations
  • House of Burgesses was created

    There were 22 burgesses they all met together bet eventually they met separately,
  • Pilgrims settle Plymouth Bay

    They moved to have religious freedoms.
  • First Thanksgiving: Pilgrims/Squanto/Wampanoag Indians

    Squanto helped make a good harvest with the colonist so they shared the harvest in one big feast.
  • Dutch settle New Netherland

    They settled there because of the large waterways which would be good for fur trade.
  • Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay Colony

    The Puritans moved and settled for religious freedoms.
  • Roger Williams settles Rhode Island

    He was banished from the Puritans so he left and settled Rhode Island
  • Thomas Hooker settles Connecticut Colony

    He disagreed with the politics so he left and settled the Hartford colony
  • Anne Hutchinson is banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony

    She went south and founded the town of Portsmouth
  • Virginia House of Burgesses begin to meet separately

    They started to have meetings without the governor.
  • Navigation Acts first passed

    They kept the colonists from trading with anyone else
  • Last Navigation Act is passed

    This was the last act to be passed in the series of laws
  • New Netherland becomes New York

    The duke of york backed up their claim forcibly and made New Netherlands into New York
  • William Penn settles Pennsylvania Colony

    He was a Quaker who wanted peace and diversity
  • Salem Witch Trials

    They were a series of trails in an attempt to bring an end to witches
  • The First Great Awakening begins

    It was the first national event shared by the colonies
  • James Oglethorpe settles Georgia Colony

    He wanted a place where people in debtors prison could go and have a fresh start
  • Stono Rebellion

    It was a slave rebellion the took place in the colony of South Carolina