key events since 70s in travel and tourism

  • The Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet

    The Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet
    Made in 1969 The Boeing jumbo jet provided service to 1 million passengers within the first month of it being launched and in the two years of of the jumbo jet being launch the number of passengers increased to 7 million
  • Package holidays

    Package holidays
    Package holidays became very popular in the 70s however the first organized package holiday was in 1949.Today, package holidays are still used and are perfect way for people to afford holidays
  • Concorde

    The first supersonic transport, The Concord changed the world of travel as it could half the time of travel for passengers that were wealthy enough to afford to use it. With a maximum cruising speed of 2,179 km per hour
  • Launch of Ryanair

    Launch of Ryanair
    Ryanair gives passengers low cost flights and has a reputation of being a very safe airline. Ryanair is Europe's biggest airline in passenger number because of its low cost Ryanair has boosted tourism demand and occupancy in hotels.
  • Deregulation of EU Air Travel

    Deregulation of EU Air Travel
    This deregulation allowed airlines to have to have bases worldwide. Prior to this UK airlines weren't allowed to have an airport base anywhere else other than the EU. In conclusion this led to the start of low cost airlines.
  • The channel tunnel opened

    The channel tunnel opened
    4.5 million UK tourists a year use the channel tunnel as this was an easier way to get from Britain to France. The Channel Tunnel plays a massive role to the UK economy as the channel tunnel transports 1.6 million trucks that make 140 billion a year.
  • Easy jet launched

    Easy jet launched
    Easy jet made travelling easier and affordable because of low cost airlines like this the number of passengers has increased by 85 percent according to the CAA. Easy jet was the first major UK tour operator to reduce the use of carbon emissions from package holidays without an additional cost . In 2014 easy jet provided service to over 65 million passengers, easy jet is the second largest carrier of passengers . Easy jet has around 200 aircrafts and feature with 28 bases at Gatwick airport.
  • 25.7 million overseas came to Britain and spent more than £12 billion

    25.7 million overseas came to Britain and spent more than £12 billion
    this is a 68 percent rise in number of holidays which resulted in the increase of UK population by 12 percent.
  • Birth of social media

    Birth of social media
    Not only has social media helped travelers book and compare flight prices, Social media inspired more people to travel .On Instagram you can show off luxury holidays which enticed people to travel. Apps like trip advisor that launched in 2000 has been able to give non bias accurate reviews on where to go or to avoid people are more open to visit different places now as they can research and see more pictures of where they would like to travel because of social media.
  • 911 disaster

    911 disaster
    911 disaster resulted in decrease of passengers from 6.8 million to 5.7 million in a year which resulted in bankruptcy to airlines. Passengers weren't required to follow security measures like we do today .From then on strict security measures were put in place and passenger numbers re covered 5 years later
  • Tsunami in Southeast Asia

    Tsunami in Southeast Asia
    30m tall tsunami affected 14 different counties and and cost a estimated of 508 million dollars. After the Tsunami South east Asia experienced a decrease in visitors, however in 2006 numbers increased to 13.8 million visitors which money helped build back the economy counties and and cost a estimated of 508 million dollars.
  • Mamma Mia

    Mamma Mia
    The movie Mamma Mia contributed massively to tourism in Greece ,this led to a massive increase in tourists which helped recover Greece with their financial crash.
  • Attacks in Paris

    Attacks in Paris
    In 2015 Paris experienced a terrorist attack .,because of this there was a huge decrease in tourists to Paris and security
    to France would be heightened. With France be the most visited country in the world it relies on tourism as it makes up 7 percent of its annual GDP .After this tourism to France dipped as people were too scared to travel to France and lead to a drop of 750 million euros or 644 million pounds lost in revenue.
  • Global Pandemic Covid 19

    Global Pandemic Covid 19
    Travel and tourism is among the most effected by the pandemic. In April 2020 the monthly air passenger arrival declined 93.3 percent ,this effected both users and countries that rely on the money. The global pandemic has put 100 million travel and tourism related jobs at risk, from now on restrictions have been put in place when traveling, for example most countries require you to be double vaccinated and to fill out a passenger located form to and from your destination.