Aug 3, 1492
Columbus "discovers" America
Columbus was heading W.S.W on a ship called the Santa Maria. Christopher Columbus was not the first man to end up in America, but he was the first European. -
Jamestown Colony Created
Jamestown was the first town settled in the Untied States of America permanantly. It was named after the man James Fort. -
Massachusetts Bay Colony Created
The Massachusettes Bay was founded by the English Puritans. John Winthrop became the first governor of the Massachusettes Bay. -
New Amsterdam becomes New York
New Amsterdam was named after the Duke of York. He was recognized for organizing the mission which got them the land and named it after the Duke of York. -
Albany Congress meets
The Albany congress met to solve two problems they were having with their colonies. This meeting lasted from June 19th 1754- July 11th 1754. Benjamin Franklin wrote the Albany Plan of Union which would unite the colonies under one government. -
George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
The assault of Fort Duquesne had 6,000-8,000 troops. The men from Virginia were led by George Washington. After the war the French and Indians rebuilt the fort and named it Ford Pitt after William Pitt who thought of the plan. -
The French & Indian War concludes
The French and Indian War was ended February 10, 1763. The War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.