Unit 1: Empire and the Emergence of World Powers

  • Period: to

    Important Events from Unit 1 (1870-1919)

  • The Scramble for Africa

    The scrabble for Africa is an event that was the start to many empires Imperialism. Many nations wanted to expand trade and were on the hunt for natural resources. Africa is where many nation started there journey in becoming the great nations we know today. So What, Who Cares? The Scramble for Africa provides information that can help answer the question of. "What was the impact of imperial expansion on international relations?"
  • Discovery of Gold in the Transvaal

    The Discovery of Gold in Africa caused many more nation to get a piece of Africa. This cause many more nations to become a little more aggressive. Africa was becoming more and more of a asset to many other Empires. So What, Who cares? This was a positive and negative to international relations. Many nation are beginning to find thing they can trade but many nations are being aggressive because now there are things they want.
  • Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War was caused by a rumor. Spain was rumored to have launched an attack on the USS Marine ship which American soldiers were aboard. This caused the USA to become angered and launch a war against them. So what, Who cares? This was an event that advanced American Imperialism. The Spanish American war caused the US to expand their trade to China. They got the Philippines and Cuba from Spain, This answers the question of.
  • Open Door Policy implemented

    This was a policy that many of the great nations forced onto China. It was the USA, Japan, Britain, and France basically tell China that they need to open there borders or they will come and do it for them. This was a policy that was introduced by the one of the US senators that was supposed to help boost the economy. So What, Who cares? This had a positive effect on the expansion of japan and international relations. The nation worked together to reach one common goal.
  • Boxer rebellion

    The Boxer rebellion was the cause of the open door policy. Many of China's citizens did no approve of how the other nation took advantage of China. They took matters into their own hand and fought back the foreigners that came into their home land. So what, Who cares? This was the first step in China fighting for it independence. This also had a negative effect n national relations because one of the main trade roots are beginning to crumble.
  • Anglo-Japanese Treaty/Alliance

    This alliance was formed to assist one another to safe guard their interest in China and Korea. If Britain or Japan were to go to war with a nation the other can only step in if the opposing nation got help. Japan was able to use the alliance to its advantage and was able to rise to one of the great powers. So What, Who care? This alliance made it possible for Japan tp emerge as a world power. This affected relation because now the world power have a new member they need to keep there eye on.
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    This is a event was a fight between Germany and France and Britain. The Germany government tested the Britain and French government and forced there hand to fight back. This one altercation caused a rivalry to build up between Germany and the France and Britain government. So what, Who care? This had a great impact on international relations because many would say that this could gave been a build up to WW1.
  • The Start of World War One(Assassination of Franz Ferdinand )

    This was the start of a long period of time where Imperialism came to a halt. The war caused many nation to have to focus on themselves and protecting their own people other than searching for new land. This war was started because of the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand. So what, Who cares? This was the start of one of histories greatest conflicts. This helps answer the question of, Why was imperialism as significant force for late-nineteenth century Europe? It had a Negative affect on relatio
  • Japan’s Twenty-One Demands to China

    This was a twenty one point demand that Japan offered to China for their protection. Japan was able to gain the many benefits of having access to China with no lives lost. This was a smart play on the side of Japan. So what, Who care? This was a huge step forward in the way of Japan's imperialism.
  • Wilson’s 14 Points Proposed

    The Wilson 14 Points were proposed as the solution to WW1. World Wilson was the US president at the time and he was able to make a list of 14 points that was his vision for the end of WW1. Some of the goals that were listed in the points were disarmament , negotiation instead of fighting, and preventing war. So what, Who Care? The points were able to boost international relation in the late nineteenth century.