Period: 206 to 220
Han Dynasty 206 B.C.E- 220 C.E
A Chinese dynasty kept recod and history records, created imperial academy to teach the wisdom of Confucious, codify law, and had codes for women conduct meaning that women could own property. -
Priniting invented 220 B.C.E
invented by the chinese in 220 C.E. -
Priniting invented 220 B.C.E
invented by the chinese in 220 C.E. -
Period: 256 to Oct 4, 1100
Zhou Dyansty 1100 B.C.E- 256 B.C.E
The Zhou Dynasty believed in the Mandate of Heaven. Their ruler served as the link between the people and their Mandate. Their Mandate was the heavenly powers would approve and the ruliing dynasty would retain its Mandate to Haeven, but feared that if the families did something bad that their Mandate would be taken away. -
Buddhism arrives in China 265 C.E
Spreaded from Palestine into Rome -
Period: 300 to Oct 4, 1150
Phoenicans 1150 B.C.E- 300 C.E
Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic civilization situated on the western, coastal part of the Fertile Crescent and centered on the coastline of modern Lebanon. -
Edict of Milan
Document saved by Canstance 1 Licons proclaimed religious peace. -
Period: 320 to 550
Gupta Empire 320-550 C.E.
Controlled most of the Indian subcontinent with military force and prestige as a center of its culture -
Period: 323 to 356
Alexander the Great 356-323 B.C.E
Was the King of Macedonia in Greeceand founded many greek cities and spread the greek culture. He conquered the Persian Empire and had reached the Indus Valley. -
Roman capital moves to Constantinople
To be closer to the frointer. -
Period: 336 to 500
Height of Greek City-states 500-336 B.C.E
Period: 406 to 453
Attila the Hun C.E.
Ruler of the Huns from 435 C.E. until his death in 453 C.E. HIs empire (Hunnic Empire), stretched from the Ural River to the Rhine River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea. -
Sack of Rome
Rome wa sattacked by the Visigoths. AT this time Rome was not the capital of the Western Rome Empire. -
Period: 500 to
Babylon Empire 200 B.C.E- 500 B.C.E
Babylonian empire was ruled by Kind Nebuchadnezzar in the 6th century. He created the empire. -
Period: 516 to
Destruction of Second Temple in Jerusalem 516 B.C.E- 70 C.E
The Second Temple was a very important Jewish holy temple. It stood on theTemple Mount in Jerusalem. It replaces the First Temple which was destroyed in 586 B.C.E. The Secon Tempel was destoryed in 70 C.E. by the romans. -
Period: 527 to 565
Justinian 527 C.E.-565 C.E.
Justinian I, was the Byzantine Emperor commonly but is also known as Justinian the Great, While he was the Emperor, Justinian sought to revive the Empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the historical Roman Empire. -
Period: Oct 3, 1000 to Oct 3, 1100
Bantu migration reach South Africa 1000 B.C.E-1100 C.E
Bantu people orginally lived in West Africa but startes to migrate east and south where they traveled along the congo river and lived riverside. However, when they stoped in the rainforest, there wasnt much room for farming so they kept moving south until they found open and more suitable land for farming. -
Period: Oct 4, 1122 to
Shang Dynasty 1766 B.C.E- 1122 B.C.E
The Shang Dynasty had a surplus of argiculture to support the military forces. They had oracle bones made from birds, animals, and turtle shells. These oracle bones were inscribed with symbolic notations were then placed in fire and read to predict the future. They Shand Dynasty has also built large graves that housed thousands of objects and humans to serve the kings in death. -
Period: to
St. Paul
Persecuted the followers of Jesus but later on becme a Christian. He started preaching at nearby churches. -
Period: to
Jesus 5 B.C.E- 34 C.E
From Galilee (northern Iseral) who fought to reform the Jews with thier beliefs and practices.He was executed by the Romans for doing so. He was ahiled as the Messiah and son of Gob by his followers. He is the center figure of Christianity. -
Gunpowder Devolped 80 C.E
Ivented by the chinese in the late 9th century -
Hittites devolp iron 2000 B.C.E
Devolped iron weapons in the northen part of Asia Minor which had a surplus in iron. -
Period: to
Height of Harrapan Civilization 2500 B.C.E- 2000 B.C.E
Period: to
Socrates 469 B.C.E-399 B.C.E
An Athenian philosopher that described the differences between questionable science and human behavior. But made enimes when he showed ignorancetowards others which led to his execution -
Period: to
Pax Romana 27 B.C.E- 180 C.E
Also known as "Roman peace" the roman rule had stability and prosperity back to the lands of the Roman Empire. This aloud people to trade and travel safer. -
Period: to 551
Confucianism 551 B.C.E- 479 B.C.E
Also known as the chinese philosopher Kongzi. He had a huge influence on subsquent chinese with his doctorine of duty and public service. He was thought and served as a code of conduct for government officals. -
Period: to 563
Siddhartha Gautama
SIddhartha was also known as the Buddah. Buddah means "the enlighted one" He was the founder of Buddism. -
Regular use of Bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Bronze used to make weapons -
Cunieform writing begins 3400 B.C.E
One of the earliest known forms of writing.