
  • Lowell Mill Women Create First Union of Working Women

    Lowell Mill Women Create First Union of Working Women
    There was no woman unions and the they went on strike in the textile mills. They were unhappy because they were working over 13 hours a day and in very horrible conditions. Also they were 12 years old.
  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike
    This happened in Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Texas. 200,000 strikers were in protest aginst Jay Gould. They were protesting because they had unsafe wprk conditions and unfair pay. The strike ended up failing and the Kings of Labor died off.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    The Pullman strike was centered in Chicago, Illinois. 250,000 strikers were in protest aginst Pullman Palace Car Company due to Facing 12-hour work days and cut wages. They were soon joined by the American Railway Union. The strike ended when troops were sent out to stop them.
  • McKees Rock Strike

    McKees Rock Strike
    this was the turning Point for Immigrant Workers. The strike took place at the huge Pressed Steel Car Co. plant in McKees Rock, a few miles down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, where between 5,000 and 8,000 mostly immigrant workers from some 16 nationalities created railway cars
  • Steel Strike of 1919

    Steel Strike of 1919
    The strike took place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. it lasted for 4 months. The strike was agins the United States Steel Corporation as a result of poor working conditions, long hours, low wages, and corporate harassment regarding union involvement. The total number of people involved in the strike is 350,000. The strike failed and caueed unions to disappear for the nest 15 years.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was hurting the unions by an 25% unemployment rate.
  • 1970 U.S. Postal Strike

    1970 U.S. Postal Strike
    The strike began in began in New York City and spread nationwide. Thier wages, working conditions, benefits, and management kept getting worse and that lead to the strike. They brought in the national guard.
  • The Fair Labor

    The Fair Labor
    This is the time that minimum wahes, overtime, and child labor laws were passed.
  • The Wagner Acts

    The Wagner Acts
    Workers right to form uniorns and strike was protected.