
  • Lowell Deal of 1834

    Lowell Deal of 1834
    This is best known as the mass movements for the worker's right in the US. Their boss thought it was best to cut their wages and the mill girls had enough. This was the first created union of women's in America's history. The Mill owners decided to pass their declining the profits. The women who was working there decided to banded together who was claiming "Union is Power"
  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886
    This strike lasted about 7 months.The Knights of Labor went on strike at the Union Pacific and the Missouri Pacific railroads.The strike suffered fromthe lack of commitment of the other railroad
    unions. The only successful hiring og nonunoion by workers of the Gould and the violence and the scare tatctics.Their were about 200,000 people who did this strike.
  • Homestead Strike of 1892

    Homestead Strike of 1892
    The Homestead Strike is also known as The Homestead Steel Strike and the Homestead Massacre. The strike is known for industrial lockout strike. It's a battle between the strikers and the private security guards. It was known one of the powerful new corporation. This strike lasted about 7 days long.
  • Pullman Strike of 1894

    Pullman Strike of 1894
    Pullman Strike was nationwide railroad strike in 1894. Pullman Strike a(n) turning point for the US labor laws. For the union workers, they walked out of the factory of the Pullman Company. This striked pitted on how the (ARU) stands for American Railway Union that's against the Pullman Company, the main railroads, and the federal government of the United States that was under President Grover.
  • Ludlow Massacre (1914)

    Ludlow Massacre (1914)
    This Ludlow Massacre. This was a colony of 1,200 people before it got attacked. The Ludlow Colony was attacked by the Colorado National Guard, Colorado Fuel, and the Iron Company camp guards. Before they struck, their was coal miners and their families that lived their. They had a face- off with a little bit over 14 hours that had machine gun fire and torched.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression lasted about 10 years, from 1929- 1939. This was the greatest and long lasting economic downturn of the history. It started when the stock market crashed of October of 1929 this sent to panic of people and wiped out millions of investors. While the union movement had failed in the previous 50 years to organized the much larger numbers of labors in mass productions.
  • The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932

    The Norris-LaGuardia  Act of 1932
    This act outlawed the yellow-dog contracts. By this the pledges by workers were not to join a labor union. This act also, prohibited the workers to join any of the unions. This stopped the federal courts from enforcing "yellow-dog" contracts or agreements.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The New Deal followed by the Great Depression for the Americans People. The New Deal permanently changed for the federal government's relationship to the US populace.Their was a tremendous gains of labor unions experienced i the 1930s. That resulted in part from the pro-unions of the Roosevelt administration and from the legislation enacted by the Congress.
  • Walsh-Healy Act of 1936

    Walsh-Healy Act of 1936
    This act was part of the New Deal as a United States Federal law. It applies to the US government contract for exceeding for $100,000. It also requires some privilege minimum -wage and working conditions for the employers. They normally paid in loyalty that required to work regular hours to working 8 hours per day and work for 40 hours a week.
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

    The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
    On, June 25, 1938 President Franklin D Roosevelt signed an act. This act established minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor laws. This was effecting the full-time and part-time jobs/workers. For the unions, the leaders feared that the minimum wage might become maximum.
  • WWII

    It all started when the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1945. This war is known for the global war which lasted from 1939 to 1945. This was the largest lasting battle of WWII was the battle of Atlantic. The Unions were affected because their was more women working during this time.