Industrial revolution
transition to new manufacturing processes in the period. New factory jobs opened up during this time. -
Atlanta's Washerwomen Strike
Atlantas black washerwomen went on strike to fight for higher wages, respect, and control over their work. They ended up getting what they wanted cause their union was over them being on strike. -
Haymarket Affair
Tghe Haymarket Affair, also known as the Haymarket Riot, was the aftermath of a bombing at a labor meeting. It began as a peacefull strike but turned into a riot after someone threw a dynamite bomb at the police because they had murdered 8 people the previous day. The bomb blast and people randomly firing guns resulted in killing 7 police officers and 4 civillians and several people being wounded. -
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
This law outlawed monopolistic business practices. It was also the first one established.Also the first measure passed by the congress to prohibit trusts. -
Homestead Strike
The Homestead Stricke was an industrial lockout and strike. It was a hard fought batte between the strikers and private security agents. -
Battle of Cripple Creek
The Batte of Cripple Creek was a five-month strike by the Western Federation of Miners. The union ended up winning and was followed in 1903 by the Colorado Labor Wars. -
McKees Rock Strike
The strike took place at the Pressed Steel Car Company plant in McKees Rock.The strike drew national attention when it occured in August in a battle between strikers, private security agents, and Pennsylvania Police -
National Labor Relations Act
This act was passed to protect rights for empolyees and employers, to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, and to encourage collective bargaining. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 started setting the minimum wage and overtime pay of all businesses for employees. The act was made to limit dangers in modern American life, including old age, poverty, and unemployment. -
Taft-Hartley Labor Management Act
This act restricts the activities and power of labor unions. This act also prohibited businesses from banning unions. The Taft-Hartley Labor Management Act alo prohibited unions from contributing to political campaigns. -
Equal Pay Act
The Equal Pay Act was aimed at abolishing discrimination of pay based on a persons color, age, or sex. This act was signed by John F. Kennedy as a part of his frontier program. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full-time and part-time workers.