Lowell Mill Women Create First Union of Working Women
The Lowell mill women organized, went on strike and mobilized in politics when women couldn't even vote and created the first union of working women in American history. -
Railway Strike
Against the Baltimore and Ohio Railways. Resulted in Federal troops being called out for a labor dispute for the first time. -
HayMarket Riot
A labor riot at the Haymarket Square in Chicago, workers wanted an eight-hour day, went wrong when an unknown person tossed a bomb at police, who then fired into the crowd. -
Homestead Strike
A strike at the Homestead Steel Works turns violent as 300 soldiers hired by the company show up. Workers picketing the factory turn violent and start a battle, with seven soldiers and 11 union members killed. Court injunctions help to crush the union, protecting the steel industry from organized labor. -
Pullman Strike
Union workers walk out of the factory of the Pullman Company, in spite of the horrible treatment the company had afforded to workers. The strike, organized by Eugene V. Debs and the American Railway Union,ended in total defeat. -
Pullman Strike
Union workers walk out of the factory of the Pullman Company, in spite of the bad treatment the company had afforded to workers. The strike, organized by Eugene V. Debs and the American Railway Union, ended in total defeat. -
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
A fire broke out on the top floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. Firefighters arrived at the scene, but their ladders weren’t tall enough to reach the upper floors of the 10-story building. Trapped inside because the owners had locked the fire escape exit doors, workers jumped to their deaths. The fire was put out, and 146 workers had died -
Social Security Act
As part of the goal to address poverty, this law provided old-age, survivor, and disability benefits and health insurance. It also established the right to receive unemployment insurance
and workers’ compensation. It is administered by the Social Security Administration. -
National Labor Relations Act
As part of the New Deal, the NLRA gives workers the right to form unions and requires employers to talk with the union over wages and hours. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The FLSA establishes a federal minimum wage, overtime pay requirements, and child labor standards. The U.S. Department of
Labor enforces this law.