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A peaceful Europe: the dawn of cooperation
In the 1950s,the European Coal and Steel Community was the first step towards an economic and political union of European countries to achieve lasting peace.Its six founders are Belgium,France, Germany,Italy,Luxembourg and the Netherlands.That period is characterized by the cold war between the east and the west. Protests against the Communist regime in Hungary are crushed by Soviet tanks in 1956.In 1957 the Treaty of Rome was signed, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) market";. -
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A period of economic growth
The 1960s was a good time for the economy,helped,among other things,by the fact that EU countries stopped collecting customs duties on commercial transactions between themselves. They also agree to exercise joint control over food production so that everyone has enough to eat. This soon leads to a surplus of agricultural production. May 1968 is remembered for the student revolt in Paris, and many changes in society and life habits are related to the so-called "generation of 68" -
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A growing Community: the first enlargement
On January 73,Denmark,Ireland and the U.K. joined the European Union,bringing the number of Member States to 9.In 74 and the death of General Franco in Spain in 75,Europe's wing;EU regional policy is beginning to transfer large amounts of money for job creation and infrastructure in poorer areas.The European Parliament increases its influence in EU.The EU adopts new provisions to protect the environment and introduces for the first time the concept of the polluter pays -
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The changing face of Europe: the fall of the Berlin Wall
The Polish trade union Solidarność and its leader Lech Walesa became famous around the world after the strikes in the summer of 80.In 81Greece became the 10member of the EU and 5years later Spain and Portugal.In86,the Single European Act was signed,a treaty that forms the basis of a broad to remove barriers,On 9 Nov 89,a major political turnaround occurred when the Berlin Wall was torn down and, leading to their unification in October90 -
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A Europe without borders
With the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, Europeans feel closer. In 93,the creation of the single market was completed with of movement:goods,services,persons and capital. The 90s is also the decade of two treaties:Maastricht (Treaty on European Union) in 93 and Amsterdam in 99. Citizens are concerned about environmental protection and joint action on security and defence matters. -
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a europe whitout borders
In 95, three more countries joined the EU: Austria, Finland and Sweden. The agreements signed in Schengen, a small town in Luxembourg, gradually allow citizens to travel without having to present their passports at the borders. Millions of young people study in other countries with EU support. Communication becomes easier as mobile phone and Internet use spreads. -
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The euro is the new currency of many Europeans.September 11, 2001 became synonymous with the several planes were hijacked and crashed into buildings in New York and Washington.EU countries are beginning to work more closely together against crime. When,in 2004,10 new countries joined the EU followed by Bulgaria and Romania -
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in 2007 the political divisions between Eastern and Western Europe were definitively settled.The financial crisis shook the world economy in September 2008.The Lisbon Treaty,which brings modern institutions and more efficient working methods to the EU,is ratified by all EU Member States before it enters into force in 2009.