Unification of Italy

  • Period: to

    Giuseppe Garibaldi

    He was an Italian revoultionary hero and leader in the struggle for Itailian unification
  • Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna restored austrian domination over italian penisula.
  • Young Italy

    Giuseppe mazzini was an Italian patriot who set up a national revolutionary movement known as young Italy.
  • Period: to

    massive reforms

    in the papal staes, lucca, tuscany and the kigdom or Sardinia, the reforms were intended to weaken the revoultionary movements
  • The first revolt

    First revolt took place in kingdom of Sicily and resulted in a constitution of the whole kingdom. Shows nationalism
  • Camillo di Cavour

    Camillo di Cavour
    Victor Emmanuel the second named Camillo di Cavour his prome master. He used skillful diplomacy and chose good allies to gain control of northern Italy for Sardina
  • Garubaldi brings unity

    Garubaldi brings unity
    a small army of italian nationalist led by a bold and visionary soldier which again was Giuseppe Garibaldi and captured Sicily
  • Venetia added to Italy

    After Prussia defeated austira in the seven weeks war. Venetia was added to Italy.
  • Franco- Prussian War

    Napoleont he thrid had to withdrawl his troops to Rome. After this rome became the capital of united Italy