Period: to
Carbonari Active
Defeat of Napoleon
Period: to
Major Carbonari Insurrections
Young Italy founded
Mazzini -
Period: to
Charles Albert Piedmontese King
Garibaldi joins Young Italy
Pope Pius IX elected
Roman Republic Created
Mazzini and Garibaldi -
Revolution in France
Elected president Louis Napoleon, becomes Napoleon III -
Removal of Charles Albert
He granted a constitution -
Period: to
"Republican Phase"
Siccardi Laws
D'Azeglio -
Period: to
Victor Emmanuel King of Piedmont
Period: to
Cavour Prime Minister
Period: to
Crimean War
Austria relaxes grip on Lombardy and Venetia
Due to English and French sympathy for Piedmont -
Austria announces amnesty
For political prisoners in Lombardy and Ventia -
Orsini affair
The attempted assassination of Napoleon III in Paris by Italian nationalists backed by the French. -
Plombières Agreement
Napoleon III and Cavour -
Establishment of dictatorships in Tuscany, Parma and Modena
Luigi Farini, Ricasoli in Florence -
Villafranca Accords
Expedition of the Thousand
Garibaldi OWNS -
Capitulation of Neapolitan forces
Emilia and Tuscany to Piedmont, Savoy and Nice to France
Plebiscites -
Kingdom of Italy officially created
Victor Emanuel as king