The Begining!
Between the years of 1815 and 1848 people in Italy were becoming tired of being ruled by someone who lives in a different country. -
Camillo di Cavour
The king of Sardina,Victor Emmanuel II, made Camillo di Cavour the prime minister. Cavour made many of the right of the alliances in order to try, take over Northern Italy. -
Conquering Northern Italy Except Venetia
The French emperor Napoleon II agreed to help Camillo di Cavour by getting Austria out of Northern Itialian territory. Then Cavour decided to provoke war with people of Austrians which were lead to victory, conquering all northen Italian provinces except Venetia. -
Capturing Sicily
Garibaldi created a small army and captured Sicily in battle. After the capture of Sicily Garibaldi and his army moved up north. Garibaldi agreed to unite all the southren land Piedmont-Sardinia.he had conquered withe the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. -
Venetia Becoming a part of Italy
In 1866 Venetia, the Austrian province became a part of Italy. -
Italy Finally Unified
Italians took over the last of the territory they did not own, which were called the Papal States. Rome was then under the control of Italy, and became the capitol of the united kingdom of Italy.