Unification of Germany under The Prussian Empire

  • Frankfurt Assembly

    An all German parliament was held to create a constitution for a united Germany. Proposed for a gov't with a limited monarchy and a parliament. This relates to the unification of Germany because this revolution (even though it failed) paved the way for when Germany was actually unified.
  • Bismarck Became Governor

    King William wanted to enlarge the Prussian army, expand, and unite Northern Italy but he couldn't because the government had a limited constitution which limited William's power. Therefore William appointed Bismarck as governor so he could use him as a tool to accomplish his goals.
  • Defeated Denmark

    Was allied with Austria and defeated Denmark. Germany then gained control of Schleswig and later on received Holstein. This is relevant in the German Unification because Prussia gained control of land that had the same culture and history as other parts of Germany.
  • War between Prussia and Austria

    Went to war with Austria and later gained Austria's land that they gained from the war against Denmark. This is relevant to the German Unification because it allowed Germany to gain more territory.
  • War against France

    Prussia went to war against France to get the south to join Prussia because the south feared France and Prussia had the greatest army in the area at the time. This unified modern day Germany.
  • Unification

    Southern Germany finally accepted Prussian rule and nationalism was a strong force.