
German Unification Timeline

By legereb
  • Period: to

    Frederick William IV is offered the Throne

    He was the oldest son and also had success as being king of prussia from 1840 to 1861, He was known as the "Romanticist on the Throne." He is also known for the many buildings he had built in Berlin and Potsdam.
  • The House of Krupp

    The House of Krupp
    The Krupp house is home to a family in which they make master peices made of out silver. They were also not a royal family they made their way through history with what marvelous things they made out of steel.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    In 1812 the French emperor got a massive army of troops from all over Europe, the first of which they inaded is Russia on June 24. “It was the most diverse European army since the Crusades." 650,000 men ended up crossing the Niemen River to fight approximately 200,000 Russian soldiers.
  • Congress Of Vienna

    Congress Of Vienna
    Was a meeting of ambasodors to try to bring peace to france. On this date a peace treaty was signed to paris.
  • Otto Von Bismark Birth

    Otto Von Bismark Birth
    Otto Von Bismark was born on april 1st 1815 in Schönhausen, Germany. His Birth name is Otto Eduard Leopold, and later knicknamed the "Iron Chancellor."
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo led to Napoleons defeat by the Pussia and Britain, and also signales the end of his reign as emperor.The Battle of Waterloo took place in Belgium and marked the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Zollverein

    The German Customs Union was a variety of german states formed to manage tariffs and economic rules within their territories.
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    Frankfurt Assembly

    The Frankfurt Assembly was a time when alot of the time people were having contriversal debates, so they created a frankfurt consitution which was also the first free elcted parliment.
  • William II becomes Kaiser

    William II becomes Kaiser
    Crowned in 1888, he took over the Chancellors spot which was Otto von Bismarck.in 1890 and launched Germany on a bellicose "New Course" in foreign affairs that helped in his support for Austria-Hungary in the crisis of July 1914 that led in a matter of days to the First World War.
  • Blood & Iron Speech

    Blood & Iron Speech
    is a event that the "iron chancellor" Otto Von Bismark given in 1862 about the unification of the German territories.A couple days later Otto Von Bismark stressed for military preparedness
  • Bismarck declared war on Austria

    Bismarck declared war on Austria
    Otto Von Bismaek knew that Austria was rising to power so he had to stop it but he knew that Austria would be one of the hardest places to unify. He also knew that if he didtry to unify it and he wasnt successful at least he had to weaken its position in Europe
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    Bismark Declares war on Denmark

    He decieded that Denmark was a threat so he invaded Denmark and unified them into German territories.Then later an extra 39 German territories in Denmark became German territory.
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    German Constitution drafted by Bismark

    The constitution said that the highest organ of confedereation was the Bundesrat or the (Federal Council) It represents the governments of the north German states. And after the war south Germany joined the confederecy.
  • Ems Dispatch

    Ems Dispatch
    Called the Ems Telegram, incited France to declare the Franco-Prussian War in July 1870. The dispatch was an internal message from the Prussian King's vacationing site to Otto von Bismarck in Berlin,Germany.
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    Franco-Prussian War

    was a conflict between the Second French Empire and the German states of the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia. The conflict centered on efforts to gain control of the southern German states.(19 July 1870 – 10 May 1871
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    Economic Growth from 1871-1914

    Germany became a great power, boasting a rapidly growing rail network so trade could happen alot eiser than it did on horse back berfore, There were more people to work so Germany as a whole became richer from other country's giving money for work to their citizens.
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    Population Growth in Germany from 1871-1914

    Germanyconsisted of 27 constituent territories, with most of them being ruled by the royal family for that territory.While the Kingdom of Prussia contained most of the population and most of the territory of the empire, the Prussian Families were repopulating its own town and Prussia itself played a lesser role.
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    Campaign againt Church (Kulturkampf)

    In 1871, the Catholic Church had 36.5% of the population of the German Empire, including millions of Polish people, who were subject to official discrimination. In this newly founded Empire, Bismarck sought to appeal to liberals and Protestants which were 62% of the people.
  • Germany is created

    Germany is created
    Germany had a seasonal climate. Its capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany is a major economic and political power of the European continent and a historic leader in many cultural, theoretical and technical fields.
  • Bismark becomes Chancellor

    Bismark becomes Chancellor
    in 1860 he justified wars that unified Germany into a powerful nation. And in 1871 he balanced the power of the diplomacy to try to help even more unifiy Germany. Also in 1871 while retaining control of russia he knicknamed himself "The Iron Chancellor."
  • Campaign against socialists

    Campaign against socialists
    The Anti-Socialist Law of 1878 was the most important repressive law of Bismarck’s time in Leadership. Bismarck, who had never hidden his distaste for the teachings of socialism, made several attempts to help the growth of German Social Democracy during the 1870s
  • Bismark Resigns

    Bismark Resigns
    William II Emperor of Germany dismissed Chancellor Bismarck. This ended the career of the man who was singly responsible for the unification of Germany.