
Unification of Germany and Italy

  • Napoleon makes unwanted changes

    Napoleon makes unwanted changes
    Napoleon made major teritorial changes between 1806 and 1812. He annexed lands along the Rhine River for France, dissolved the Holy Roman Empire, and organized many of the German states into the Rhine Confereration. Some Germans welcomed the leadership, but some did not.
  • Period: to

    The Unification of Germany

  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna lasted from September of 1814 to September of 1815. The goal of the confrence was to create peace and new boundires in Europe. This is where the German Confederation was created.
  • Period: to

    Unification of Italy

  • Mazzini founds Italy

    Mazzini founds Italy
    The goal of this secret society was "to constitute Italy, one, free, independent, republican nation."
  • Zollverein was created

    Zollverein was created
    Prussia created the economic union called Zollverein. This dismantiled tariff barriers between many German States, however it was still not bringing Germany together.
  • Rome

    Mazzini helps set up a revolutionary republic in Rome but French forces toppled it.
  • Prime Minister

    Prime Minister
    Count Camillo Cavour is named prime minister by Victor Emmanuel. Cavour was a monarchist who believed in Realpolitik. He started by reforming Sardinia's economy. This included: improving agriculture, had railroads built, and encouraging commerce by supportig free trade. However, his longtime goal was to end Austrain power in Italy and annex the provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    Sardinia joins Britain and France against Russia in the Crimean War. Sardinia did not win territory but they did have a voice at the peace conference as well as gain the attention of Napolean III.
  • Cavour defeats Austiria

    Cavour defeats Austiria
    Cavour negociates a swecret deal with Napolean that promises aid to Sardinia in case they faced war with Austria. When that he provokes that war, he defeats Austria and annexes Lombardy. Nationalist groups overthrew Austian-backed rulers in other northern Italian states and these states then joined with Sardinia.
  • Red Shirts

    Red Shirts
    Garibaldi, who is a longtime nationalist and an ally of Mazzini, recuited a force of 1,000 red-shirted volunteers and was provided weapons from Cavour. Two ships were allowed to take Garibaldi and his "Red Shirts" south to Sicily. They captured Sicily and Naples. Both regions are turned over to Victor Emmanuel.
  • King of Italy

    King of Italy
    Southern Italy voted to approve being turned over to Victor Emmanuel II and he is crowned king of Italy. Cavour dies.
  • Prussia forms an alliance with Austria

    Prussia forms an alliance with Austria
    Prussia and Austria seize territories from Denmark. They went to a breif war,"liberated" Schleswig and Holstein, and then divid up the providences between Prussia and Austria.
  • Prussia attacked Austria

    Prussia attacked Austria
    Bismark invented a reason to attack Austria, causing the Austro- Prussian War. It lasted seven weeks, and Prussia came out with a victory. Prussia then annexed many northern German states.
  • Venetia is added to Italy

    Venetia is added to Italy
    Italy formed an alliance with Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War and won the province of Ventia.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    Tension between Prussia and Napoleon III were high, and Bissmark aggitated Napoleon III, which then led to the Franco- Prussian War. The Prussian army defeated the poorly organized French soldiers.
  • Italy is united

    Italy is united
    During the Franco-Prussian war, France is forced to withdraw its troops from Rome. Italy is united.
  • Germany was finally unified

    Germany was finally unified
    Germany was finally unified at the Versailles Palace's Hall of Mirrors in France. German happily welcomed their second Reich