
History of the Hawaiian Monarchy - Neliza D-I

  • Overturn Naha Stone

    Overturn Naha Stone
    The Naha Stone was a rectangular lava stone. The Naha Stone weighed nearly 5,000 pounds and according to legends, whoever overturned the Naha Stone would conquer all of the islands.
    Kamehameha overturned the Naha Stone
    The Naha Stone is now in front of the Hawai'i County Library in Hilo.
  • Population - 500,000

    The Fur and Sandalwood trade was just starting around now and the Hawaiians were healthy.
  • Arrival of Captain Cook

    Arrival of Captain Cook
    Captain James Cook was a British Explorer and was the first person to bring Hawaii to the attention of the people of Europe. Captain Cook sighted Oahu and then Kauai. His first stop was at Waimea, Kauai.
    The English and the Hawaiians soon had a very good trading system. The Hawaiians traded sixty pigs, yams, sweet potatoes, cooking bananas and taro for nails from the English.
    When Captain Cook went ashore he was treated like a God becasue the people of Kauai thought he was the God Lono.
  • Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death

    Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death
    Kalaniʻōpuʻu was the king of the island during the time Captain Cook came to Hawaii and also Kamehameha's uncle. Kalaniʻōpuʻu took care of Kamehameha when he was 12 and his father was ill. Kalaniʻōpuʻu raised Kamehameha as a young chief.
  • Puʻukoholā Heiau was completed

    Puʻukoholā Heiau was completed
    When the Heiau was completed it was 224 by 100 feet.
    When it was finished Kamehameha called Keoua to discuss peace and when Keoua stepped on shore he was killed by a spear Ke'eaumoku and afterwards Kamehameha's man killed everyone else on Keoua's canoe.
    The whole island of Hawai'i was then under Kamehameha's rule.
  • Battle of Nu'uanu

    Battle of Nu'uanu
    The Battle of Nu'uanu was fought in May of 1795 on the southern part of O'ahu and it was a key battle for Kamehameha to unify the Hawaiian Islands.
    The Oahuians fought Kamehameha's men all the way up the Nu'uanu Valley and some O'ahu warriors were driven off the cliff.
  • Asian Immigrants moved to the islands

    Asian Immigrants moved to the islands
    Asian Immigrants came to Hawaii in the mid-to-late 19th century to work in the sugar cane and pineapple fields.
  • King Kamehameha united the islands

    King Kamehameha united the islands
    King Kamehameha conquered Kauai and Ni'ihau last to unify all the islands.
  • Period: to

    Kamehameha ruled as King

    When Kamehameha died he asked a close friend to hide his bones in a place where they could never be found. Kamehameha was the greatest cheif Hawaii had. His people said he was a farmer, a fisherman, a maker of cloth, a provider to the needy and a father to the fatherless.
  • Sandalwood Trade

    Sandalwood Trade
    In 1790, sea captains were sending their crewman to search for Sandalwood, trading reached it's peak at around 1818 and by 1850 it became and important export item. Most of the trading was with Americans but sandalwood's main market was in China.
  • Period: to

    Liholiho's Reign

    During Liholiho's reign as Kamehameha II, the kapu was abolished and the missionaires arriwved. There was also a new religion. Liholiho's rule ended when him and his favorite wife paid a visit to London and both caught a case of measeles and died, which ended Liholiho's reign.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Ka'ahumanu

    Ka'ahumanu ruled along with Liholiho as prime minister. She insisted that Kamehameha I wanted to give her power. She annouced that her and Liholiho would rule together at his crowining.
  • End of Kapu - Part 2

    End of Kapu - Part 2
    ..gods and the heauis to be destroyed. After Kapu was officially over some Hawaiians were happy and some were angry. And also, some still secretly worshipped the Hawaiian gods while others went into Christianity. This happened because of the Christitian Missionaries that arrived on March 30, 1820.
  • End of Kapu

    End of Kapu
    Kapu was first broken on Vancover's ship when women went onto European ships and ate with man with no punishment. It was also broken when the high cheif of Oahu, Kalanimoku asked to be baptised and was the first person to accept the Christian religion. After Kamehameha died, Ka'ahumanu became prime minister and ruled with Liholiho. At Liholiho's ceromony, Ka'ahumanu convinced Liholiho to finally eat with the women publically. After Liholiho first broke Kapu, he ordered for the images of the...
  • Arrival of Missionaries in Hawaii

    Arrival of Missionaries in Hawaii
    The first group of Christian missionaries arrived in Hawaii. Their job was to lead Hawaiians away from their old religion and teach them about the Bible and Christianity. It was also their job to build house, schools, churches and help the Hawaiians form a written launguage.
  • Population - 125,000

    By this time the native hawaiians were down to 125,000
  • Period: to

    Whaling Industry

    Whaling in Hawaii became a big insudtry becasue of the whale oil and bone it provided. The boom preiod for whaling in Hawaii lasted from started from 1840 to 1860. By, 1840 new fishing grounds near Alaska were being explored. Whaling ended because of the decrease of whaling ships and the danger of it. Even though there was a slow period, prices of whale oil and bone remained high until the Civil War.
  • Sugarcane Plantations are built

    Sugarcane Plantations are built
    The Asian immigrants worked in the sugarcane plantations. In the first year of sugarcane plantations, they had many problems. They needed more workers, money to pay the workers and better mill rollers. After a while, sugar came into high demand becasue of the Civil War.
  • The Great Mahele

    The Great Mahele
    The Great Mahele was a land distrubution made by King Kamehameha III. They divided the land so that King Kamehameha III kept all his private lands. One third of the remaining lands went to the Hawaiian Government. One third went to the cheifs and one third went to the commoners that worked on the land.
  • Population - 70,000

    The Native Hawaiians numbers plummeted by 80%
  • Prince Albert Died

    Prince Albert Died
    Prince Albert died at the age of 4.
  • Population - 30,000

    Population went down by almost 300,000 at a very fast pace due to the forgeiners.