Once a Year the Hawaiian People hold Makahiki to Honor Their Gods
Makahiki was made to honor the god Lono. -
500,000 Hawaiians
There were 500,000 native hawaiians in 1778. -
Meeting Captain Cook
Captain Cook came to Hawaii by accedent when he was trying to find the Northwest Passage. When found the Hawaiian Islands, he started to trade with the Hawaiiwns. The Hawaiians thought he was the god Lono. Since he can durring Makahiki and his sails where shaped like the god's symbol that looked like a rectangel. He also gave the Hawaiians iron, which they used to make weaponds and fix Captain Cooks ships. -
Captain Cook discovered the Islands
Captain Cook discovered the island when he was looking for the North West Passage. -
Battle of Moku'ohai
The Battle of Moku'ohai was one of the main battles in the early days of Kamehameha's quest to unit the Hawaiian Islands. After Kalani'opu'u's death, Kiwala'o, his son, became king. It happend on Kealakekue Bay near a community called Ke'ei. After the battle, Keawemauhili was captured but escaped to Hilo. -
Pu’ukohola Heiau was completed
Pu'ukohola Heiau was 224 by 100 feet. When it was done, Kamehameha invited Keōua to talk about peace. When they came ashore, Keōua and hie crew were killed. Kamehameha used them as sacrifices for the new Heiau. -
The Battle of Nu’uanu
The battle was for controle over Ohau. Kamehameha won by driving the warriors off a cliff. People found 800 skulls at the bottum of the cliff. -
Period: to
King Kamehameha I ruling
When the British and the Americans came to trade, soon the hawaiians joined the trade. The Hawaiians started the Sandalwood trade. King Kamehameha had united the Hawaiian islands and started a trade. -
Mamalahoe Kanawai
Mamalahoe Kanawai means Law of the Splinered Oar. The law was Let every elderly person, woman and child lie by the roadside in safety. Kamehameha made it when a fishman hit him on the head, and was then brought before him. Kamehameha said that the fisherman was just trying to protect his family. -
Sugar Cane Plantations were Built
The first sugar plantation was called Old Sugar Mill of Koloa. -
King K. United the Island Chain
Kaua'i and Ni'ihau were the last Islands to be united. -
Fair American Captured
Thommas Humphrey Metcalfe, was on the Fair American when it came close to Kawaihae Bay. The Hawaiians easily captured the ship, and Thommas Humphrey and his crew were killed. The only one that suvered was Isaac Davis. -
The Sandalwood Trade
The Sandalwood trade was so important because China wanted it for it's smell. The Sandalwood was also good for carving. King Kamehameha even put a kapu on young Sandalwood trees to keep the supply. When Sandalwood was sent to China, they made it into incense. The Sandalwood was used to make oil. -
Period: to
The Ruling of Liholiho King Kamehameha II
Liholiho ended Kapu and with it, the hawaiian culture. Liholiho died in London. He and his wife, Kamamalu, went to England to talk about the world and other stuff. They caught pneumonia, it causes a lung inflammation. -
Period: to
The Ruling of Ka'ahumanu as Kuhina Nui
At Liholiho's corantion, Ka'ahumanu came in with Kamehameha's spear and cloke and said that Kamehameha wanted her and Liholiho to rule Hawaii together. She wanted to end kapu, so she conviced Liholiho to eat with the woman. Ka'ahumanu was a great leader and knew how to run the islands. When she died, Kina'u became Ka'ahumanu II and took her place as Kuhina Nui. -
The End of Kapu Part2
believing in the Hawaiian gods. Some were lost without kapu, they didn't know what the could do and what they couldn't do. -
The End of Kapu Part1
After King Kamehameha died, Ka'alanimoku, his favorite wife, got his spear and his cloke to go to Liholiho's coronation. She wanted kapu to be over so she teamed up with his mother to try to get him to eat with the woman. Liholiho kept saying no until, at a big party, he sat down and ate with the woman in front of everyone. Some hawaiians liked this idea, others hated it. They hated it so much that they started a revolt. Liholiho won and kapu was over, but some people went in to hidding and kept -
The Arrival of the First Missionaries
The first missionaries came to the Hawaiians to get them to change there religon. When they got there they found of that the hawaiians had already gotten rid of there relion. The missionaries thought it was a sign form there god. They began to teach the hawaiians about there god and build schools. They helped the hawaiians make a written language. -
Period: to
The Whaling Economy
Whale oil increaed the production of catal and salt. -
125,000 Hawaiians
In 1825 the Hawaiian population dropped to 125,000. -
Asian Immigrants Moved to the Islands
The asian immigrants worked in the sugar cane plantations. -
First Sugar Cane Plantation
The first sugar cane plantation was founded by Peter Brinsmade, William Ladd, and William Hooper. They bought 980 acre tract of land in Koloa. They had some problems with finding people to work in the plantations, since the hawaiians were dieing from diseases. They sent a captain of a British ship to go to China and find people and bring them to Hawaii. The ship broght back 200 in January 1852. The ship brought 100 more in August. -
The Great Mahele of 1848
The forginer thought that the people should own there own land. The forginers eventually make a system where you have to pay some one to come and look at your land then write a report. The person would then have to send the report to the governmentm, then you have your land. The only problem was a lot of hawaiians didn't have enough money to pay the person. Other forginers would buy there land and they would have to move. This left a lot of people homeless. -
70,000 Hawaiians
In 1850, the population was at 70,000 Hawaiians. -
Prince Albert Died
Prince Albert was 4 years old when he died. -
30,000 Hawaiians
By 1900, the Hawaiian population had dropped to 30,000.