
Unfinished Nation

  • Jan 1, 1498

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Columbus Christopher Columbus had aspirations to reach East Asia, and after convincing Queen Isabella of Spain to fund his journey, he began series of voyages that would eventually end with him sailing around the coast of South America.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Biological and Cultural Exchanges

    Biological and Cultural Exchanges
    Cultural & Biological Exchange Thesexxchanges between Europe and the America's included crops, farming methods, and microbes and illnesses. These exchanges were negative were both negative and positive to both the Native Americans and the Europeans. One huge impact of these exchanges were the illnesses that killed off a majority of the Natives that came in contact with them.
  • May 1, 1518

    The Fall of the Aztecs

    In 1518 Velázquez put Cortés in command of an expedition to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for colonization. At the last minute, due to the old gripe between Velázquez and Cortés, he changed his mind and revoked his charter. Cortés ignored the orders and went ahead anyway, in February 1519, in an act of open mutiny. Accompanied by about 11 ships, 500 men, 13 horses and a small number of cannons, he landed in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mayan territory.
  • May 1, 1532

    the Fall of the Inca

    In 1532 Pizarro landed in the coasts near Ecuador, where some gold, silver, and emeralds were procured and then dispatched to Almagro, who had stayed in Panama to gather more recruits. Though Pizarro's main objective was then to set sail and dock at Tumbes, he was forced to confront the Punian natives in the Battle of Puná, leaving three Spaniards dead and 400 dead or wounded Punians. A year later, Pizarro invaded and conquered Cuzco.
  • Founding of Jamestown Colony

    Founding of Jamestown Colony
    Jamestown The London Colony sent men over to settle in America, By 1607 they had sailed into the country, settled in the Chesapeake Bay, and called their settlement Jamestown to honor James the first.
  • Mayflower Compact signed

  • George Calvert

    First Baron of Baltimore. Started a colony where all English Catholics (like himself) could be accepted in Maryland. Brought about the “Act Concerning Religion” for religious freedoms because Calvert knew that Catholics would be the minority.
  • English Civil War

    War broke out less than forty years after the death of Elizabeth I in 1603. At the accession of Charles I in 1625, England and Scotland had both experienced relative peace, both internally and in their relations with each other, for as long as anyone could remember. Charles hoped to unite the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland into a new single kingdom, fulfilling the dream of his father, James VI of Scotland and I of England.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    British Navigation Acts The Navigation Act's were Englands attempt at controlling the English Colonies trade with others. They prohibited trade, and required that imported items from Europe must first go through England to be taxed. Were proof that England was worried about the increasing economy of the colonies, and wanted to regain control.
  • Indentured Servants

    Indentured Servants
    Indentured Servant More and more men and women from England were immigrating over as indentured servants due to their need for work. These men and women were tied to their masters for four to five years as they worked off the debt of their immigration. But, as things got better in England less and less indentured servants were coming over and there was a intense decrease in laborors.
  • King Philip’s War and the Technology of Battle

    King Philip’s War. Conflict in Connecticut between white settlers and an indian tribe led by Metacomet (King Philip)
  • King Phillip's War begins

  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion A revlot led by Nathaniel Bacon against Governer Sir Willliam Berkeley and Native Americans. Bacon led a rebel army in defense of Berkleys refulas of sending militia to help defend the settlers land, and also was fueled by his refusal to grant Bacon the land and power he had in England.
  • The Puritans & Witchcraft

    The Puritans & Witchcraft
    Salem Witch Trials The Puritans were deeply rooted in religion in their patriarchal community. As people began moving further and further away they began to fear that religious trust was fraying. As a result of this strain the Salem Witch Trials came to be. Middle aged women were accused and prosecuted of being practicing witches.
  • The Beginnings of Slavery in English America

    The Beginnings of Slavery in English America
    Slavery As the number of indentured servants coming over from England decreased, more and more landowners began to rely on slave labor. Eventually white settlers began to put laws into place to completely have full ownership of slaves.
  • Ben Franklin born

  • Rise of Consumerism

    With the sucess of the British Americas came a siginifigant divide in the upper and lower classes. Upper classes began to crave material goods as a means to show their prosperity. This began a surge in material goods and a suge in the consumers of these wares.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening began in British America. Ministers from various evangelical Protestant denominations supported the Great Awakening. Additionally, pastoral styles began to change. In the late colonial period, most pastors read their sermons, which were theologically dense and advanced a particular theological argument or interpretation.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening The colonies were worried that people were losing their faith and there was a loss of piety among them. The Great Awakening brought on two different ways to worship and esentially brought religion into the colonies daily lives. Two separates views were brought on, the "old lights", which were older puritanical viewpoints and the "new lights", which were a more emotionally based way to worship.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Jemmy gathered 20 enslaved Africans near the Stono River, 20 miles southwest of Charleston. This date was important to them as the Catholic celebration of the Virgin Mary's nativity; like the religious symbols they used, taking action on this date connected their Catholic past with present purpose. The Africans marched down the roadway with a banner that read "Liberty!", and chanted the same word in unison. They attacked Hutchenson's store at the Stono River Bridge.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was a time when people began to examine things beyond just religious explination. It came following scientific and natural discoveries in Europe and increased in interest in education, the sciences and law.
  • Smallpox Vaccination

    Smallpox Vaccination
    Smallpox Vaccination In a time where medical knowledge was scarce , and advances where lacking the smallpox vaccination was the greatest medical discovery in the eighteenth century.
  • Boston Massacre takes place

    British soldier, Private Hugh White discharged his weapon and killed a man, This caused a small number of casualites and it was an event used as propaganda for the Revolutionary War.
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

  • Frances Signs Treaty to aid American Revolution

  • Shay's Rebellion begins

  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

  • Robert Fulton presents successful steamboat

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • Rise Of Feminism

    Rise Of Feminism
    Feminism Many reform movments began to rise in the 1820's and 30's which came to challenge the social and legal restrictions of women.
  • Pro-Slavery Argument

    Pro-Slavery Argument
    Pro Slavery ArgumentDeveloped by White Southerners in response to the free-soil ideology, the Pro-Slavery Argument essentially argued the reasons that slavery wasa building block of the Americas and the economy, was good for the slaves, and also reasoned that the North was nothing but dirty cities filled with greedy people.
  • Battle of The Alamo

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny The widely accepted idea that America was destined by God to expand its borders
  • The Immigrant Work Force

    The Immigrant Work Force
    Immigrant Work Force Soon after the women had gone on strike for low pay and horrible work conditions, factory workers were looking for workers who would not complain about either of those things. This relief came with the increase of immigrants thats were coming into the Americas. These people were a work force who were in a new country and willing to do any job they were offered no matter how low the pay.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War
    The Mexican War After President Polk's attempts of diplomacy had failed with mexican leaders, tensions rose and war breaks out over disputed territories.
  • Redefining Gender Roles

    Redefining Gender Roles
    Redefining Gender Roles Many new utopian communities challenged the normal relationships between men and woman in a more radical fashion.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush California peaked everybody's attention rapidly in the 40's and 50's as a foreman discovers traces of gold in Seirra Nevada.
  • Kansas-Nabraska Act

    Kansas-Nabraska Act
    Kansas-Nebraska Act Senator Stephen A. Douglas prepared an agreement to please the southern and northern states in order for the creation of a new territory.
  • Walt Whitman

    Walt Whitman
    Walt Whitman Walt Whitman introduces "Leaves of Grass" ,his first collection of poetic works, shaping american literature.
  • Triumph of Railroads

    Although railroads had their beginning in the 1800 through 1830's, it was in 1860 that they were at their most expanded. They were used for shorter travel, expanded trade, and overall stimulated the economy with the transport of goods. The railways were viewed as America's technological ability.
  • Conscription Act

    Conscription Act
    Conscription Act Enacted by congress, all white males between 18-35 were called to enlist in the military for 3 year terms.
  • The Death of Lincoln

    The Death of Lincoln
    The Death of Lincoln While attempting to enjoy an evening with his wife at the Ford's Theater in Washington, Limcoln was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment
    The Fourteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment offered the first constitutional, binding definition of an American citizen.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Jim Crow Laws The elebrate collection of state and local laws that segregated the black and white communities.