
Undergrounders Timeline

  • Timetoast

    How Timetoast works is pretty easy, you start off by creating an account and logging in. Making a draft and adding events. When your done you just public it and it will show as completed.
  • Undergrounders Summary pg 30- 60

    Undergrounders Summary pg 30- 60
    Basically these chapters are mostly about Jonathon, which is finally getting back into hockey. Random events happen like hawking money off people and sleeping, this is basically just his daily life as an Undergrounder during these chapters.
  • Night Time & W5 pg 30-37

    Night Time & W5 pg 30-37
    Jonathon has come home after hawking 15.50$. Jonathan talks to J.J about how Will got beat up by W5. Jonathon wakes up and goes to play hockey by himself early in the morning. He then meets a janitor that cleans public hockey rinks and hardly speaks English. After meeting up with J.J, Will, and rose, Jonathon offers to buy the four of them Chinese buns with the toonie he got from the janitor.
  • Venting Bedtime pg 39-45

    Venting Bedtime pg 39-45
    They finished eating there Chinese buns and decided to head off towards the prime venting spots where the ventilation from the subways created hot air making it prime spots for Undergrounders too sleep. A lady screams, waking all four of them saying "This is not a bedroom. You all have to leave right away.". They clean up the mess and kicked out of the area before security comes.
  • Ditched pg 46-49

    Ditched pg 46-49
    Since Jonathon was the last to leave the subway vents, J.J, Will, and Rose had ditched him. Jonathon feels anger because he bought them all Chinese buns. He heads to buy a Hot dog from the vendor and is basically forced to play hockey with Reggies right after.
  • Courtroom pg 53-59

    Courtroom pg 53-59
    Jonathon wakes up to the coughing of Rose, he hears voices from the Executive Suites meaning Lewis was back from his trip. Jonathon goes straight to Lewis's store and asks where hes been this whole time. Fitzy which is the person who helped Lewis in a heist, robbed a computer store and took dozens of iPods and got caught by an army of police because of a alarm they forgot to turn off. They get sent to jail for a day and are released from jail.