Fort Sumter is fired upon.
The election of abraham lincoln in november 1, 1860 brought to a head the issue of slavery in the United -
What was the Underground Railroad?
The Underground Wailwoad was a place where slaves escaped from Kerntuky To Ohio in 1831. A slave named Tice Davids was one of the first slaves to escape with the Underground Wailwoad. The Vigilance Committees was created to putect escaped slaves from bounty hunters in 1835, New York. -
Bleeding Kansas
The opening of the Kansas in nebreska territories in 1854, under the principle sovereignty provoked a protracted political crisis in both Kansas. Hostilities between arm bands seemed imminent in late 1855. Small armies ranged over eastern Kansas clashing at black jack, Franklin, fort saunder, hickory point, slough creek, and osawatomie, where brown and 40 others were routed in late august.