
Underaged Drinking

  • 5 or more drinks and health risks

    5 or more drinks and health risks
    In this article It shows a test on people from the age of 12 to 20 to see what percentage of drink. It also breaks down how much they drink and the health factors they may face while drinking. It was found that around 44% of high school students drink. Alarmingly around 28% of those bindge drink which is consuming more then 5 drinks in one night. This article is different from the rest because it only states the fact of drinking alot and getting blacked out.
  • What kids think of alcohol

    What kids think of alcohol
    In this article it states many different things that kids think of alcohol and reasons why they do it. The biggest thing that blew me away that is very true is that they think and put drinking with having a good time and becoming a better person. They see all the good in being drunk but not the downside such as the brain damage and the harm that can come with it. This article is different becasue it focuses on the thoughts that children have in alcohol and how they may be in contact with it.
  • 8th 10th and 12th grade drinkers.

    8th 10th and 12th grade drinkers.
    In this article there was study to see the increase of how high schoolers will be more exposed to alcohol when they get older. In the study you can see a rapid growth rate of percetages of kids who have drank in the past 30 days in 8th 10th and 12th grade. In 8th grade on 40% of the kids drank while in 12th grade nearly 75% drank in the last 30 days. It also states how these students could have a decline in academic performance while in school. and could be involved in things such as rape.
  • Sad video

    Sad video
    This video of people saying their opinions shows how much harm drinking can do. One girl lost her sister to a drunk driver. Also a teenaged boy said that he stated drinking when he was 13 years old. The control of when a child can drink is up to the parents and the bad habits start young and progress as the kids get older. The video also says that when kids drink at home they will also drink at different places outside of home.
  • Drinking Patterns

    Drinking Patterns
    This article is about he consumption of different types of alcohol and what the youth prefers. Asking people that are under 21 they voted hard liquor as there favorite for many reasons. They said it gets them feeling good quicker and also you can get it in large quantities. Also in the article it states how some underaged kids have driven a car while being drunk. This just shows how scary it is that kids drink at such a young age and have no control over themselves.
  • Saturday Night Drinks

    Saturday Night Drinks
    In this article it states how younger kids drink alcohol and how they dont really want to stop in a sence. It shows that once started at an early age it just slowly progresses and gets worst. Another aspect brought into the study is that when drunk teenagers will have unprotected sex and this spreads STDs and can also make girls pregnate. The concusion of it was that the drinking idea always comes from bars and discos that the kids may have been at and attend.