Uncle Toms Cabin Published
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book written about anti-slavery. This book encouraged others to speak up and give their opinions. This book later got banned because of the effect this had on the people.
https://www.loc.gov/item/08023094/ -
The Fugitive Slave Act
This made it harder for slaves to escape and be free. By law, slaves had to return to their owners if they got caught trying to escape.
https://www.britannica.com/event/Fugitive-Slave-Acts -
The Nebraska-Kansas Act
The Kansas-Nabraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise, created new territories, and allowed more supreme power.
https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/kansas- -
The election of 1860
The election of 1860 was when Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He shaped the future of America by ending slavery.
https://www.zinnedproject.org/materials/election-of-1860/ -
The Battle Of Fort Sumter
The battle of Fort Sumter was a bombardment of Fort Sumter by a congressman of Virginia. It ended with the surrender of America, which started the Civil War.