B29 Flies Over Naoetsu
On this day, an American Plane flies over the camp. This is a great relief for the POW's. -
B29 Shoots at the Camp
There is an air raid by the Americans on the Japanese, but it misses the camp. -
Louie Comes Back to Full Health
In early June, Louie is healed, so he has to go back to shoveling coal. -
836 B29's Raid Japan
The skies of Japan experience the largest air raid the the Americans make during the war. -
Hiroshima Drops
The bomb Hiroshima dropped on Japan. The soldiers initially celebrated this because it signaled that the war was near to an end, with a U.S. victory apparent, but then one of the soldiers shared that the Japanese would kill them all if they surrendered. -
Nagasaki Drops
The bomb drops at Nagasaki and murders everyone that is there. They all die a painful death. -
Rumors of End of the War
It is announced to the prisoners of war the the war has in fact ended, with the Americans defeating the Japanese. However, the Prisoners do not believe this. -
Rumor that Naoetsu POW's Will Be Killed
The supposed rumor that all of the prisoners of war at camp Naoetsu will be murdered brutally will take place on this day. -
Supposed "Liquidation" Will Take Place
Plan from Japanese guards to kill all of the prisoners via shooting, poisoning, and burning. -
Official End of War
A plane flies overhead and tells the Americans in the code that the end of the war is here. They celebrate this news very enthusiastically, as they are very grateful that the end of the war is finally here.