Ukraine Time Line

  • Feudalism Ends

    Feudalism Ends
    The economic and governental system of feudalism is abolished in Ukraine. The peasants no longer have to live under serdom rules.
  • Period: to

    Russian Involvement in Ukraine

  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The Great October Socialist Revolution begins and Lenin executes the czar and his family and establsihes the Soviet Empire.
  • Ukranian National Republic

    Ukranian National Republic
    The Ukranian National Republic declares it's independence from Russia but is soon taken over by the Soviet Republic.
  • Artificial Famine

    Artificial Famine
    An artificial famine is induced by Soviet Russia. Stalin exports almost all food produced in Ukraine and starves millions to death.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    World War II results in the deaths of millions of Ukranians and the destruction of all major cities.
  • Crimea

    The Crimea is given to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine by the Soviet Premier Krushchev.
  • Chernobyl

    A catastrophic nuclear accident occured at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine which was operated by the USSR. 31 people were killed immediately because of the explosion and long term effects like cancer and deformities are still occuring because of it.
  • Ukrainian Independence

    Ukrainian Independence
    Ukraine declares independence from the Soviet Union.
  • Constitution Adopted

    Constitution Adopted
    Ukraine drafts a new constitution and puts it into effect. Becomes a unitary Republic.